Why Not Start Your Own Advice Blog!?!?!

Are you a person who loves to write, and has a lot of ideas and opinions? Have you been able to help others in the past with your words of wisdom? They maybe you should thinking about writing your own advice Blog. You may think that this is easier said then done, but it really is not as difficult as you may think. It is the same as an advice column except for the fact that it is online and not in a newspaper. Following are a few helpful suggestions on how you can get started.

The first thing that you will need to do is figure out what your general area of expertise is. Other words what type of advice are you good at giving. For example if you were very talented when it comes to home schooling why not start your own home schooling advice blog. But instead of just posting your own personal thought and ideas you could answer the questions of others and post the answered on your advice blog. You could start out by posting a few home schooling questions that you may have had when you first started out, and then posting what your advice would be. At the same time encourage others to post their questions and let them know when they can expect an answer. This is really a great way for you to get tons of visitors to your blog. Keep in mind that you will have to pick a topic that many people are interested in, and then you will have to write a little about what makes you an expert and post it on the site.

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Don’t set your expectations to high at first. Remember that it will take time to build up your blog community. You can advertise your advice blog by visiting different forums and letting them know about your advice blog. Remember that there are a lot of blogs on the internet that offer advice and suggestions on various topics, but I have not found many that cater specifically to answering questions. If you happen to have more than one area of expertise then you can make this known on your advice blog. For example if in addition to home schooling you happen to be an expert at baking, you can answer questions about baking. Once again you will have to let those visiting your blog know what you are an expert in this area. Remember the key to making your advice blog a success is to be different. Your advice has to keep people coming back for more. You should also allow those who visit and whose questions you have answered to post their thought on your answers. This will help your community to grow, but don’t expect everyone to be happy with your advice. Any advice that you give should be based on your own personal experience, and not on someone else’s. So if this sounds like an interesting idea to you why not give it a try.