Why Not Give the “Sponsor My Weight Loss Method” a Try!

If you happen to be a Rachel Ray fan then you have probably been watching her still new talk show. On the show last week she had a woman who was speaking about a new weight loss method that she had tired, and that had worked. So how did she do it? Basically she got people to sponsor her weight loss. Not too many people have heard of this or have tired it. The entire point behind it is that it’s supposed to help motivate you to lose the weight.

For example a person can say that for every pound you lose, I will smoke one less cigarette. Maybe you could even find someone to lose the weight with you. Rachel decided to sponsor one of her guest’s pounds by giving her $1000 gift certificate to the Mall of American when she loses the additional pound. Now that is definitely a great incentive. There are numerous ways that this type of weight loss method can actually work. You friends may not have the money to give you but there is so much that family and friends can do in order to help you stick to your weight loss goals. If you would like to learn more about the women who appeared on the Rachel Ray show you can visit http://www.rachaelrayshow.com/?q=sponsor-my-weight-loss-pamela.

After seeing the show I decided to do some research into this weight loss method and try to determine exactly how many people have been successful with it. What I found was that a lot of people seem to like the idea but are really afraid to approach other people about it. But there really is no reason to feel embarrassed about a problem that a lot of people seem to have, which is obesity. If however you have tried lots of other weight loss methods, and nothing has seemed to work, why not have your family and friends help you out with losing the extra weight. I am positive that you will be able to find someone who will want to support you in reaching your weight loss goals. It’s the beginning of a new year so why wait any longer. Get a pen and some paper and start writing down your exercise schedule and start making out a new menu. You may be surprised at how quickly you can begin losing the pounds once you have some help with motivation.