Why I Love Nancy’s Deli Spirals

Nancy’s Party Spirals came into my life a few years back. I was shopping at BJ’s warehouse in preparation for a party. I have a reputation not just for throwing excellent parties, but also for having the very best foods. I was in a hurry and figured Nancy’s Deli Spirals would make a nice filler. If they didn’t pan out there was always the dog right? They cost me around $10.00 for a nice size box.

The morning of the party as I zipped around the kitchen in a maniacal craze I retrieved the finger sandwiches from the freezer and glanced at the directions. “Thaw and Serve”. Huh. I tossed them on the table and went about working on my other finger sandwiches, spreading this, rolling that, chopping here, slicing there.
Two hours later when my masterpieces were assembled I went back to the box of Nancy’s which I had purchased as filler for the table. Having defrosted nicely I found and attractive to tray to place them on. Each of the sandwiches was lined up in tidy rows in the package, so all I had to do was tip them onto the tray, and tuck olives and bits of cheese, and parsley between the rows. Feeling guilty, and a bit like I had somehow cheated I set them on the table, along with a nice variety of other treats.

The party was a success, and as I sailed into the dining room I found a surprise. all of Nancy’s Deli Spirals were gone, while more than half of my carefully handcrafted finger sandwiches remained limp and neglected! My grandfather made his way into the dining room just then, and I offered him one, where he pronounced it too weird and asked if there were any of the “good ones” left. Needless to say I give Nancy’s Deli Spirals 5 stars. I have used Nancy’s products regularly since then.

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We have since found Nancy’s available at Wal Mart to my delight.They are still affordable and still tasty, though many more varieties, and products are available. I have stopped wasting my time schlepping away on “weird” food ages ago. I would highly recommend Nancy’s Deli Spirals for any type of party.

Nancy now offers a variety of tasty treats such as beef wellington,quiche, mushroom turn overs, and dessert tarts. Nancy’s products can be purchased at BJ’s, Costco, and WalMart to name a few places. All of Nancy’s products are “thaw and serve” or “heat and serve”, all you have to do is garnish, and smile!