Why Dogs Lick Their Paws

Pets can often do some strange things. They might chase their tails, roll around on their backs, or even eat strange things. There is generally a reason that dogs do the things they do, unless they are just a crazy dog. Here are some reasons that your dog might lick their paws.

Reason Dogs Lick Their Paws #1- Something stuck in the paw

This is probably the first thing that you should check. Look closely at your dog’s paw and be sure that there is nothing stuck in the paw that could cause the dog some irritation. Dogs can get into all sorts of things and can often get things stuck in their paw that can cause problems. Things such as splinters, thorns, or anything small a prickly can really cause problems for dogs. You might see your dog constantly licking its paw because it is trying to get the object out.

Reason Dogs Lick Their Paws #2- Cut in the Paw

Just because you don’t find anything stuck in your dog’s paw does not mean that there was not something there before. Things might get stuck and then fall out leaving a cut or scrape behind. Be sure to check in all of the hidden parts of the paw and especially areas that have some hair around them. You might have to look closely to find the scrap or cut. The dog might be constantly licking its paw to try and help clean and heal the cut.

Reason Dogs Lick Their Paws #3- Arthritis

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If your dog has arthritis that is bothering him he might be licking at it to make it feel better. Your dog might not understand that arthritis is internal and be trying to relieve some of the pain. You can help your dog with arthritis pain by rubbing the areas or asking your vet if there is something that can help relieve the dog’s pain.

Reason Dogs Lick Their Paws #4- Fleas

Your dog might have flea problems that are causing him to lick his paws and get rid of those nasty fleas. Check your dogs coat to see if you can notice flea infestations and if your dog has a dog bed you might want to clean it as well.

Reason Dogs Lick Their Paws #5- Allergies

If you can find no other reasons for your dog to be licking his paws you might want to try changing dog foods and see if that helps. Your dog might be allergic to the food you are currently feeding him and this might cause his paw to itch.

Reason Dogs Lick Their Paws #6- Just Because

My pug is just a crazy dog that loves to lick. It took many months of eliminating anything and everything to just finally come to the conclusion that she likes to lick and will lick her paws and anything we let her for hours on end.

These are five reasons that your dog might be licking his paws constantly. Five reasons that make total sense and one reason that might only fit a crazy little pug! Be sure to check with a vet if you dog has an injury that needs closer attention.

See also  Lick Granulomas and Your Dog

Resources: Personal Experience with dogs

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