Why Do Men like Big Breasts?

It’s a fact that the most popular, non-essential surgery in the United States is breast enhancement surgery. There are also dozens of products, workout routines and drugs that all claim to help you increase your breast size, and this whole industry wouldn’t even exist if large breasts weren’t considered attractive. However, the question that many people ask themselves and each other is; why exactly is having large breasts considered better than having smaller ones?

This question has a lot of potential answers, and those answers all feed off of each other and help to provide multiple perspectives. The first is the idea of culture. In America we live in the world of “bigger is better” and this applies to nearly everything. Large breasts, large penises (otherwise there’d be no industry for penis enlargement either), big muscles and many other aspects of sexual attraction are considered, culturally, to be sexy and attractive. This hasn’t always been so of course, and it isn’t so in other parts of the world. For instance, in classical mythology the goddesses of love like Aphrodite and Freya had breasts that were proportioned for their frames. During the Victorian era women considered beautiful would today have been referred to as overweight. Carrying a few extra pounds was a sign of health, and of wealth which carries its own aphrodesiac. But in modern day America, in our art and advertising, our mutual agreement of what is desirable, big breasts are definitely in. This is one reason… men are conditioned by culture to view slender women with large breasts (something that never happens without a lot of work) as beautiful.

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This cultural view is impacted of course by biology. There are many theories about why we find breasts lovely, and one of them is about how we have sex. Humans are the only primates that have sex face to face, and therefore the only animals that will be able to admire large breasts during mating. One evolutionary theory is that the cleavage breasts create is meant to resemble the butt, what is more often viewed as sexual, especially if you’re having sex from behind like the rest of the primates. While this may sound like reaching, there are other potential factors that play into an admiration of large mammaries. Specifically that large breasts are a sign of good health, and the capacity to feed many offspring. While you may not even want children, you are evolutionarily programmed to find the best potential mate based on looks that reflect capacity to bear you strong children. It goes without saying.

However, this has been shown not to affect men who are in a relationship. Once you get past the physical once over (no matter how healthy staring at boobs is for you) the question of actual compatability comes up. At that point it matters more about who your partner is, and how well the two of you mesh, then how large her breasts are. And, as has been seen, having large breasts or small breasts may affect someone’s personal tastes, but you can still get all the same benefits of good sex regardless of the gauge of your equipment. Male and female alike!

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“Does Breast Size Really Matter?” by Anonymous at Ask Men
“Why Do Men Like Big Breasts?” by Anonymous at Breast Options