Why Do I Keep Getting Stretch Marks?

You’re exfoliating, you’re using stretch mark creams, you’re drinking lots of water, you’re managing your weight. Yet it seems that no matter what you do, those stretch marks just keep on coming, and your existing stretch marks keep getting longer and deeper and worse! Learn why stretch marks can be reoccurring even if you’re taking preventative measures against them, and how to better keep stretch marks at bay.

Stretch marks are caused by many things, dry skin, poor diet, lack of hydration, genetics, rapid weight loss and weight gain, and pregnancy, to name a few. A growth spurt in adolescence is the biggest stretch mark culprit in teenagers. While you may be doing your best to keep stretch marks at bay, here are a few reason why they seem to get worse over time, rather than better, and why new ones keep creeping up on you.

When you’re exfoliating, make sure that the abrasion isn’t so strong as to tear at your skin, and make sure you are going in small, circular motions to avoid tearing your existing stretch marks and making the scars worse.

If you shower in really hot water, you could be causing damage to your skin, leaving it more thirsty and dry for moisture, so even the most oily and moisturizing lotion can’t truly penetrate your skin and help treat your stretch marks. Dry skin also makes you a prime victim for getting more stretch marks as well.

Do you scratch or pick at your stretch marks? Scratching itchy stretch marks can stretch them deeper and longer and wider. Rub Aloe Vera on them to ease irritation and avoid scratching at them.

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If you’re stressed, your skin reacts by being unable to rejuvenate, which can lead to more stretch marks. So can lots of caffeine consumption, which dries out the skin and stresses the body, making it more difficult to prevent future stretch marks.

Even if your weight is only fluctuating by a few pounds, you’re still stretching your body and deflating your body with damaging results to your skin. Try to maintain a healthy weight rather than reaching a low weight you can’t stay on. Your skin will thank you.

Make sure your moisturizer is truly moisturizing. You want Aloe, Vitamin E oil, Shea butter, Cocoa butter, and olive or almond oil in your lotion. You can doctor up your current lotion with a tablespoon of olive oil if your lotion just isn’t up to par.

Drink lots of water, more than you usually do. Enough is not enough when you are counteracting your water consumption with coffee and sugary drinks. You want ample amounts of fresh water daily to stay hydrated.

If you don’t exercise, your stretch marks can continue to get worse. You need to keep your skin elastic, with at least basic exercise daily.

If you tan a lot, you are breaking down your skin’s collagen, making yourself susceptible to more stretch marks and premature wrinkles. People with stretch marks often tan to try to hide them, but this can result in more stretch marks and often doesn’t hide the current ones.

Get enough sleep! Tired skin is loose, lacking skin that is susceptible to more and worsening stretch marks. Your skin needs that sleep to rejuvenate itself for a new day. If your skin can’t make new skin cells via nutrients, water, and rest, it’s no wonder your stretch marks keep coming back.

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Poor diet? Poor skin. At least take a multi-vitamin daily to help you keep your diet more on track, and try to get in more fresh fruits and veggies.

If you drink a lot of alcohol, you are drying out your skin and leeching out healthy nutrients that would otherwise be working for your skin. Likewise, if you have been ill, the rapid weight loss and stress on your body can lead to stretch marks if you aren’t staying hydrated and moisturized properly.

If you are battling stretch marks but just focusing on the surface with exfoliation and lotions, you are only treating a small part of the problem. Stay healthy, stay hydrated, and get nutrients inside your body and on your skin for your best fight against future and preexisting stretch marks.