Why ‘Charlie Brown’ Comic Book Character is Bad for Your Kids

Contrary to what many parents believe, Charlie Brown does not present the most wholesome characters out there for young readers these days. Written by Charles M. Schulz, this story brings an alarming emphasis on a despised and depressed boy named Charlie Brown and all of the negative things that go on in his life.

About Charlie Brown

Throughout the entire story, Charlie Brown is a constant figure of failure and he knows it. He is wrongfully teased by his so-called friends and he appears to have no confidence or any sense of value. Every time he tries to succeed at any given task, whether big or small, he inevitably fails. In one column, when Charlie Brown and his friends are preparing for a Christmas play, he is the one chosen to go and find a lovely tree. Before he even leaves, everyone suspects that he will screw it up. And when he finally decides on a small, pitiful tree and brings it back to show his friends, they are of course, all proven right. No matter what, Charlie Brown’s low self-image and irrational thinking always manage to put a damper on the story.

How It Can Affect Kids

When kids read any type of comic book, they usually look up to the main character of the story for both guidance and inspiration. The depressing qualities and foolish actions of Charlie Brown are undeniably bound to leave a lasting impression on young readers and not a good one. Since childhood is such a crucial time for developing self-esteem and cultivating confidence, kids need to see a good example of these set in those they look up to. If Charlie Brown is their role model, the only thing they’ll learn is to give up as soon as the going gets rough instead of continually trying at something until they’ve succeeded. Looking up to a boy like Charlie Brown can be detrimental for our kids’ well-being and create a negative impact on our children.

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Replace It

Instead, we should introduce them to fearless and heroic characters. Doing so will give them someone decent to look up to. Guide your kids to read more about characters who exemplify real virtue, determination, and courage. Characters like Batman or Spider Man are great ones to introduce our kids too because they encourage them to believe in themselves and in their own abilities no matter what the situation may be.

You can’t get rid of that Charlie Brown column in the newspaper, but you can get it out of your house. Doing so will help your kids grow up confident, healthy, and happy.