Why Captain Jack Sparrow is so Appealing – Johnny Depp’s Character in Pirates of the Caribbean Steals the Show

There are many reasons why fans flock to the Pirates of the Caribbean movies; the movies are full of action and beautiful scenery, the plots are exciting and entertaining, and the special effects are enjoyable. However, I believe the main reason most fans rush to see these movies is Captain Jack Sparrow.

Formed and played, with immense charm and finesse, by Johnny Depp, Captain Jack Sparrow is not only entertaining but is inspiring as well. The latter may seem a stretch to some who read this–but Jack Sparrow fans will understand what I am talking about, and fiction writers should pay attention to why this character is so popular.

Captain Jack Sparrow is inspiring because the character speaks to our innermost adventurous, independent, creative, daring sides. In the real world, we do not feel we have time to be adventurous, creative and daring. There are bills to pay, responsibilities to keep, and a quiet, common life to live. Boring!

Captain Jack Sparrow is the rebel fans wish they could be. He lives completely by his own rules and gets away with doing so. Though he may run from fights when he can (and he chooses to do so often), he is no coward–just a bit self-serving. His self-serving behaviors do not make us hate him though. He is a jerk at times, yes, but in such an amusing way. It takes an awful lot of chutzpah to live as he does, so far outside the status quo.

Oh how this appeals to many of us who live in the white bread world. We know the world of Pirates of the Caribbean is fictitious. We know that in real life swords get very heavy and sword fighting, thus, is brutally exhausting. We also know that many of the things Captain Jack Sparrow does are despicable (as is typical of any pirate) and not worthy of imitation.

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Despite Jack Sparrow’s moral failings, Johnny Depp manages to make the character loveable. Through talented use of body language and vocal tone, Depp creates a very human, multifaceted, believable character. Captain Jack Sparrow is by no means a cookie cutter character– he is unlike any pirate we have ever met on screen (or off). He is not a muscle-bound he-man; in fact, his mannerisms are somewhat effeminate at times–which wildly, and wonderfully, contrasts with the typical brutal action-adventure character. And although he uses more brains than brawn, he does not lack athleticism.

The character works so well because Jack Sparrow appeals to our inner desire to be ourselves without constraining ourselves so much socially and without censoring our personality. As we enter the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, we can imagine, for a while, what it would be like to be such a self-assured and free person.

Bravo, Johnny Depp, for creating such a perfect, enjoyable, character.