Who Are the Villains of “The Amazing Spiderman 2”?

News is emerging on the production of the new Spiderman movie tentatively known as “The Amazing Spiderman 2” and it’s all about the villains. Ever since we were hinted in the last movie, we have been highly anticipating who the next villain will be. Now we have come to find that there will possibly be 2 villains for the webslinger to battle, or maybe the beginnings of another.

The first villain that was announced is Electro being played by Jamie Fox. His backstory is that his name was Max Dillon and he worked for an electrical company. One day while at work, he was struck by lightning giving him the ability to control electricity.

The newly announced/rumored villain is none other than Rhino who is rumored to be played by Paul Giamatti. I have been highly anticipating this character as I would love to see him adapted to the big screen. His comic book backstory was that his name was Aleksei Sytsevich and he was a thug for the Russian Mafia. When promised power and wealth he went through some life altering chemical and radiation treatments that altered his body and his body armor which was modeled after the hide of a rhinoceros was permanently bonded to his body.

On top of these 2 characters there is also Harry Osborn and possibly Norman Osborn thrown into the mix. I don’t know if we will see the Green Goblin rumored in the end or not, but it’s nice to speculate. Another rumor being tossed is that beginnings of Venom. Recently a locker from Oscorp was shown as a teaser pic. That pic looked similar to an Ultimate Spiderman comic involving the beginnings of Venom. Again this is all speculation, but it’s kind of fun to be teased everyone once in a while.

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Whoever shows up I am quite sure it will be exciting. It is nice to hear that we just might see 2 new villains just as long as we have a good story to go along with it.