Where to Shop for Scooters Online

Purchasing a scooter is not something that one should jump into without researching it thoroughly in advance. Luckily, there are many online scooter review sites that discuss in depth the pros and cons of each type of scooter, gas or electric, the warranties, the costs of replacement parts, etc. If you’re considering purchasing a scooter, definitely review several of these online scooter retail and review websites before making the plunge.

The Scooter Lounge-

The Scooter Lounge is a very neat and detailed website that provides information for scooter seekers, particularly those looking to buy a Vespa or a Lambretta. The Scooter Lounge provides very in depth information about both of these brands of scooters. This website is a good place to start if you need an introduction to purchasing a scooter, or need a jumping-off point. There are great resources on the Scooter Lounge, including where to buy the scooters themselves, where to purchase replacement parts, and how to choose a scooter wisely and in your budget.

The Scooter Mall-

The Scooter Mall is a great all-in-one site. Here you can find information on a vast variety of different scooters, including X-Treme, Roketa, Viva, Vespa, and more. The Scooter Mall hooks you up with the ebay marketplace, allowing you the choice to purchase from ebay or from their own retail site. The website has great reviews of each scooter, which makes purchasing a scooter fairly easy for first time buyers. The Scooter Mall provides great resources to those looking to purchase a scooter, including information about state laws on scooters, information on insurance, financing options, accessories, scooter parts, and helmets. The Scooter Mall really has it all in terms of scooter reviews and retail.

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Buy My Scooter-

Buy My Scooter is a website that is geared towards someone who already is knowledgeable about scooters and perhaps already has a scooter in mind to purchase. This site is especially great for those on a budget, because here you can buy used scooters at great prices. Buy My Scooter also sells a great collection of used scooters. So before purchasing a scooter in a local store, check out Buy My Scooter online and see if you can find a better deal.

Buy Scooters Online-

Buy Scooters Online is another great site for purchasing a scooter online, but does not provide great reviews or resources for those still learning about them. Once you’ve settled on a scooter, visit Buy Scooters Online for a great selection and great deals on purchasing a scooter online.


Amazon is the king retailer, and as such, I would suggest you refer to Amazon before purchasing a scooter to ensure you have gotten the best possible deal. Amazon has a large selection of scooters online for purchase and wonderful deals with free shipping. Once you’ve settled on a scooter, don’t neglect to check Amazon before you buy!