Where Can You Find a Psychic Job?

Are you psychic? Have you been looking for an employment opportunity, but are having no luck at all? Here are a few psychic websites that I have found across the internet that offer you psychic employment. These psychic websites all pay differently. When you sign up for an advisor account, you can then ask how much you will earn. Psychic websites usually pay by the minute.

The first psychic website that I would like to introduce to you is InfiniteAdvice.com. You must prove yourself to be psychic if you want to work for this website. If you have a reputation and some experience, you may find it easy to sign up on this website. They pay out once per month and they deposit your earnings through paypal or a check sent to your home. This is a great website if you want to offer clients a chat, phone or email reading. You are allowed to do all 3 if you choose.

Another great website is Keen.com. Keen.com allows you to sign up for an advisor account. You can charge whatever rate per minute that you would like and you have the option of promoting yourself through their pay per click system. This is a great place to earn money and to explore your psychic side. They have an excellent rating system in which you can get rated 1-5 stars and the higher the points you earn, the more you will be able to move up.

Kasamba.com is a great website if you are looking to give readings online, through the telephone and email. This site also has an amazing 5 star feedback system in which you will get rated between 1-5 stars for your reading. You also earn points every time that you conduct one of these psychic readings. The higher your points, the more likely you are to get a client that will want to get a reading from you. This site is an excellent must see.

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WeRlive.com is an easy website to sign up on and you get to give psychic readings through a webcam or through an online chat. This site is unique in the sense that it allows you to create your own user profile and you can set your own hours. You do not have to follow any set schedule. You will see that being on this site is fun and you can earn a good percentage per minute.

One of the best phone psychic reading websites that I have found on the internet is phonefate.com. These guys really know what they are doing. The phone system is easy to use and they always pay on time.

One of the most unique psychic websites that I have found was AskNow.com. This website is a must see. You can defintely find work through this website because of its high call volume. The customer service and support is phenomenal!

I hope that you find success on all of these websites. I know that finding a psychic job is difficult because you often do not know where to go and look for a psychic position. A psychic job is a fulfillment of who you are as a person and I know that if you take your time, you will be able to find a psychic job that is right for you.

Make sure that you always ask the psychic website owner how much the job pays. Sometimes you are entitled to a 50% cut of the total call revenue and other times you are paid just $12.00-$15.00 per hour of talk time. The psychic industry is very competetive, but if you have a strong faith and believe that anything is possible, you will find the right psychic job for you. Every psychic can find work in the world in which we live today because we are living in a society that needs a lot of psychic coaching. As you step into this career, know that you have a destiny in helping others that need you.

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The last place that I found to be a great place to offer a psychic reading is on Ebay.com. Ebay sells everything as you already know. However, type in the word psychic reading and you will see numerous psychics offering their services there. I have sold a few psychic readings through this website myself and it is an interesting way to go about giving a psychic reading. I highly recommend it.

The most important thing to remember when starting out in the psychic business is to just let your answers flow freely. Don’t get nervous and say what you really see. Never try to say what your client is expecting to hear. Remember that you really know what you are seeing and the client is just expecting you to reveal to them the mysteries that you are viewing through your sixth sense.

