When Everything Goes Wrong-Change Your Luck

This may surprise you, but when everything goes wrong around you, you will blame yourself for that. The other people around you are responsible for their mistakes and they certainly contribute a lot to make things worse, but you will not blame them.

Everything starts from you and comes back to you. This is a physical law. I named it the law of definition. Other people gave it other names, I’m not the first one that observed its existence; however, until today it has not been recognized as a real physical law that is constantly defining our destiny.

Interpreting several dreams according to the method of Carl Jung, which I proved as the only correct method, I saw that everything depends on our attitude. Whatever happens to us is related to our behaviour. This is an obvious conclusion one comes to after analysing the meaning of his dreams, although it appears to be very strange for those who never tried to understand why nature and the human being function the way they do.

Our dreams are intrinsically related to our daily life. They not only reflect our internal problems but also our external problems because they are always trying to cure us from the craziness inherent in our psychic sphere and mainly, to prevent the crazier content that comes from our wild and very violent primitive conscience from invading our conscience. This content comes to the surface of the human conscience depending on the problems we face in our lives and on our attitude towards them.

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Thus, we can see clearly that whatever happens to us in our lives is a consequence of our actions. This is explicitly explained in everyone’s dreams and can be verified by observing one’s daily life.

We may think that many people we know should be punished for their actions, but they do not get what they deserve.

However, we don’t follow the people we observe all the time and we assume that they are fine. In reality, we don’t know what is happening with them in their psychic sphere. We shall not judge anyone and we shall not conclude anything because we are too ignorant.

We have several real-life examples in history, which confirm that everything we do in our lives comes back to us in another form. We also now have many scientific explanations for unexplained phenomena that also confirm the existence of a physical law of reality shaped by our attitude towards the several problems of our daily life.

Why does it happen in this way? Because we have to prevent the craziness we already inherit in our psychic sphere to destroy our human conscience. Earth is a planet where the human being must transform in order to be cured from the craziness inherent in his psychic sphere.

Why do we possess this craziness? It is inherent because when the first conscience started to develop itself, it was completely disorganized. Organization can come only after a very long series of experiments while learning from one’s successes and failures. The primitive conscience started to be developed from chaos, so it started without a sense of equilibrium and continued this way. Therefore, it can only lead to chaos.

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Fortunately, we have a human conscience completely different from the wild and crazy one that can tame our wild behaviour and help us live better. However, this part is also quite crazy in many points, since it has an ego.

We are primarily very primitive beings who need to learn how to be balanced, so that we might overcome craziness and completely develop our human side. This is the only way we may finally live happily, without all the problems caused by our evil side.

When everything goes wrong with our lives, of course we have to look for the reason by examining our own character and discovering our mistakes, because these mistakes cause all our problems. If we correct our behaviour and stop making the same mistakes, things will stop going wrong and start being favourable instead and we will feel happy.

However, how can we discover our mistakes and how we can correct them?

We can identify and correct our mistakes only through dream interpretation according to the method of Carl Jung. I simplified his method after continuing his research. This is the only correct method though which anyone can identify his or her mistakes and how to correct them without being vulnerable to the several problems they provoke.