What You Should Know About the Shortfin Mako Shark

The shortfin mako shark is also known as just the mako shark according to the Wikipedia. There are many things that make the shortfin mako shark different from many other sharks including its characteristics and behavioral traits. With all of the shark attacks that have happened in the past it may be important for you to know your different types of sharks and to learn how to keep danger at bay when out in the water. This article will show you some of the things that make the shortfin mako shark so unique and some tips that I have discovered that will help you avoid being attacked by one.

The physical characteristics of the shortfin mako shark

The shortfin mako shark comes to average out to be around 6-9.2 feet long and weigh as much as 440 pounds. The shorfin mako shark has a blue-black and white underside and this makes up the physical characteristics of the shortfin mako shark. This shark has a white snout and their teeth are visibly even when the mouth is closed. This shark’s teeth are greatly slender and curved.

The behavioral traits of the shortfin mako shark

The behavioral traits surprise a lot of people as they are known to be fast swimmers with such speeds of up to 31 mph and can even jump pretty high when they have become angry with such heights as 9 feet. There have been reports according to the Wikipedia of the shortfin mako shark jumping out of the water and onto a fisherman’s boat after the shark had been caught with a hook.

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The location that the shortfin mako shark usually resides

The shortfin mako shark can usually be found in warmer climate areas such as the Gulf Streams or in Tropical Seas around the world. This shark also prefers clear water more than water that is musty.

Do shortfin mako sharks have the tendency to attack humans?

Event though many humans fear sharks because of their size and sharp teeth, most shark attacks only happen because they are provoked. Sharks are just like most animals, they often only attack creatures that are not meant for eating if they feel that they are in danger. This does not mean that there are not shark attacks on humans by unprovoked individual, this just means that it is unlikely but still possible. Even though it is unlikely to be attacked by a shortfin mako shark unless provoked, they have been known to attack boats.

What you can do to avoid an attack by the shortfin mako shark

1. Watch for any cuts or wounds that you might have. Many people know to do this already but there may be a few things that you don’t know such as, that sharks have a great sense of smell and any blood in the water might draw them closer to you.

2. Always swim in a group, sharks are more likely to attack and individual than they are a group of people.

3. Avoid the water when there is hardly any light out. This means anytime during the dawn, dusk, or plainly at night. Sharks seem to want to feast more around this time of the day and you will probably not be able to see them as well.

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4. Avoid clothing that are bright. Bright clothing attract sharks; they can see the bright clothing much better than they could if you were wearing dull colored clothes.

5. Jewelry should also be avoided. Jewelry can sparkle and give off the impression that it is shiny fish scales.

If you would like to learn more on what you should do to avoid a shark attack, you can read more on this list at Florida Museum of Natural History.