What Were the Foo Fighters of World War II?

Foo fighters are the name given by Allied pilots during World War II to mysterious UFOs that were seen in Europe, Africa and the United States throughout the WWII era. The term UFO would not come into use until shortly after the appearance of the foo fighters, but that is certainly what these things were. They appeared out of nowhere amidst the chaos of WWII and managed to catch the attention of pilots in the air and soldiers on the ground during many battles. They even appeared in areas where there was no fighting occurring. Nonetheless, both the Axis and the Allies believed that the foo fighters were actually weapons that had been deployed by the enemy. That is, until the end of the war when it was realized that they had not been deployed by any known army and that they were completely unexplainable.

Sightings of the foo fighters were numerous. Eyewitnesses described them as orange, red or white balls of light. Information from various witnesses indicates that they had the ability to hover, fly at high speeds, fly at very low speeds, change direction quickly and accelerate and decelerate rapidly. When there were two or more foo fighters in a group, they seemed to act in a synchronized manner. Sometimes they mimicked each other’s movements and other times they didn’t, but were obviously moving in relation to each other. They were also seen in large formations in groups of ten or twelve. These formations were not the typical formation you would see from aircraft piloted by men. The foo fighters would form up in rows of straight lines. They have also reportedly been seen rising up out of the ocean.

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Foo fighters were often spotted by both Allied and Axis pilots. These UFOs seem to have liked to hover around military aircraft. Some pilots say that they were followed by one or more of them while engaging in battles or just flying to their destination. Of course, they were seen as hostile many times and they made the pilots nervous, but there are no reports of foo fighters behaving in a hostile manner. They were simply there.

It is important to note that these pilots, who were obviously knowledgeable when it came to aircraft, often mentioned the fact that they could see no wings, propellers, engines or anything else that would indicate that the foo fighters were some known form of aircraft. Many witnesses also said that their flying patterns and ability indicated that they were piloted in some way. These UFOs’ maneuverability also indicates that they were not built using any known technology, if indeed they were built.

So if the foo fighters weren’t a weapon deployed by either side during World War II and they weren’t advanced aircraft developed by either side, then what were they? Quite simply, they were UFOs. We don’t know if they were some sort of electrical or other weather phenomena, we don’t know if they were some sort of experiment and we don’t know if they belonged to aliens. We can almost certainly rule out misteken identity due to the sheer number of sightings, which are too numerous and widespread to count accurately. So, foo fighters were simply unidentified flying objects that may or may not be identified one day.

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Clark, Jerome & Farish, Lucius, Foo Fighters of WWII from UFO Report, retrieved 11/22/09, miquel.com/reading-library/archived_stories/ww2-foo-fighters.html