What to Pack for a Carnival Cruise

After taking four Carnival cruises, I’ve gotten packing down to a science. The first cruise I packed everything but the kitchen sink, and found myself dragging suitcases from the luggage pick-up to my car swearing I’d pack lighter next time. The second cruise I did a little better, and discovered a few more things I could do without packing. By the fourth cruise, I’d figured out what I really needed and what I thought I needed but never took out of the closet the whole time. Although some cruise ships are less casual than others, Carnival ships are all about casual comfort and fun.

First, let’s get realistic about clothing. Take the number of days you will be on the cruise, add one, and that’s how many casual outfits you will need. If you wear a pair of pants more than once, then just plan on that number of days for shirts. Casual on a carnival cruise means capris, jeans, khakis, with polo shirts, t-shirts, or tops. Shorts are not allowed in the dining room, so if you can’t live without your shorts, they will count as extra clothing. Pack your most comfortable pair of shoes, the pair you would grab to walk through the grocery store. Don’t worry about fashion in shoes, as you will be doing a lot of walking, and comfort will be much more valued. You will also need underclothes and socks for the same number of days. Don’t forget a light jacket or sweater for cooler nights.

No irons are allowed onboard because of the fire hazard, so it is imperative to pack clothing that won’t wrinkle easily. You can also pack by the bundle method to avoid wrinkles. Starting with your jacket, lay your clothing on top of each other on the bed, lay a soft bag filled with undies on top, then one by one bundle your clothes around this central pouch. Place the bundle in your luggage and secure with luggage straps. Pack your other tolietries in zip-lock bags around this.

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Ask your cruise agent how many formal nights you will need to dress for dinner. Most four or five-day cruises have one formal night. Formal doesn’t mean you have to have a sequined dress and tuxedo. On Carnival formal night, you will see very few people in those, and many more in suits and church-type dresses. Women who packed one nice pair of slacks in their “number of outfits” above can get away with packing a nice blouse to wear with them for formal night. You may need a different pair of shoes, depending on how casual your walking shoes look. In addition to daytime clothing, you will need something to sleep in, unless you prefer your undies or less. Remember a Laundromat is available if you absolutely run out of clothes (detergent and fabric softeners available in vending machines in the Laundromat) , and there is a small clothesline in the shower where you could rinse and hang clothes if you ran out of clean ones.

Women will need makeup, hair dryer, curling iron (if you use one), hairbrush, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, razor, feminine needs, and shampoo. Men will need deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, hair dryer, hairbrush, and shaving supplies. A small basket of goodies is included in each bathroom, and sometimes this contains razors or shampoos, but because the contents change often, it cannot be relied on. Bring sunscreen if you burn easily. Sunglasses are also nice to have. Don’t forget any needed medications. Some over-the-counter medications are available from the information desk and in the gift shops.

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The rooms have only two outlets, one in the bathroom, and one in the cabin, so a power strip with a long cord is a necessity if more than one person is using the room to get dressed or if anyone needs a C-Pap machine to sleep. We also packed a book for each of us to read. There is a library on board but the hours it is open are limited, and there wasn’t much variety in the paperbacks in the gift shop.

Don’t forget tickets, passports (or birth certificate, if accepted), picture ID’s, and credit cards. Leave your good jewelry at home, unless it is something you wear all the time, like your wedding rings or watch. Even the in-room safe has been known to be burglarized occasionally. A lanyard and large clear badge pocket for each family member is invaluable, as you have to flash cruise cards, sail and sign cards, and fountain fun cards often. I purchased these at our local office supply with six in each pack, and had multiple people stop and ask me where I got them and where they could buy them.

You can bring your camera, or buy a disposable one onboard, but the Carnival staff takes pictures of you every day that they would love for you to purchase. A water bottle is also nice to have, but not an absolute necessity. Many new cruisers bring bottled water and soft drinks (and curse at the weight of it) but experienced cruisers buy a fountain card for soft drinks and bring their own bottle to refill with water at the buffet.

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If you are bringing a baby or child, pack only what you know the child is comfortable wearing. Bring a few toys that you know can keep your child occupied, such as coloring books and colors, puzzles, books, etc, depending on your child’s age. (Older kids love those hand-held games and they take up very little room in the suitcase). Don’t forget to pack their favorite teddy or blanket.

One word about luggage. Pack a large totebag flat in the bottom of your suitcase for carrying home those souvenirs. Borrow luggage if you have to with rollers. Don’t bring a large purse unless you intend to carry it all the time. Waist- carried “fanny packs” are easier. If you purchase luggage, the stranger the color, the easier it will be to spot in the pile after you disembark. I saw some people with stickers or ribbons on their luggage, too.

After you have carried your luggage on and off ship a few times, the extra things you think you need become much less important to you, even if your luggage rolls. Do yourself a favor and pack lightly. Cruises are meant to be fun. Dress comfortably, focus on fun, and pack lightly. You’ll be glad you did.