What to Expect During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy, which lasts from weeks fourteen to twenty-seven, is for many pregnant women the most exciting and the easiest trimester of pregnancy. Morning sickness has usually begun to fade and for many is completely gone by a few weeks into the second trimester. Mothers-to-be may feel more energetic and optimistic as they pass the danger zone for early miscarriage and their pregnancy begins to show.

By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy the fetus can inhale, exhale and cry. The average length of a twenty-six week fetus is over fourteen inches in length and over a pound and a half in weight. As early as the end of the second trimester, the fetus has a fifty percent chance of survival if born from pre-term labor.

The Quad Screen test is performed between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. The Quad Screen test is a blood test that checks for markers indicating problems with the brain, spinal cord and other neural issues as well as certain genetic disorders. The test is safe for both mother and baby, but many mothers-to-be are choosing to forego the Quad Screen. There is a high rate of false-positives associated with this test. Other moms would rather be prepared for a possible birth defect and choose to have the test done.

One of the most exciting parts of the second trimester is the mid-pregnancy ultrasound. Usually between seventeen to twenty-two weeks of pregnancy an ultrasound is performed to check fluid levels, organ and bone development and the location of the placenta. Measurements of the baby are taken to ensure that his or her size is correct for the dates of the pregnancy. This ultrasound also allows parents to get a glimpse of their little one. While facial features aren’t clear so early in the pregnancy, it is still amazing to watch the fetus move around in utero. If possible, most ultrasound technicians will try to guess the sex of the baby if the parents are interested in knowing. Sometimes it is possible to get a video of the ultrasound or pictures to share with family.

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Around the time of the mid-pregnancy ultrasound many mothers-to-be are beginning to feel their baby move. Some feel movement earlier than others. Most second-or-more-time moms feeling movement sooner because they know what it feels like. Usually first time moms begin to feel movement around twenty weeks. It is not uncommon at this stage in the pregnancy to not feel movements frequently. Especially while busy, mothers-to-be might not notice the still subtle movements of the fetus.

Since most pregnant women experience a surge in energy and good mood in the second trimester of pregnancy this is a good time to plan a vacation, make a move or do other activities that will not be as easy or comfortable in the third trimester. Pregnant moms should take care not to over-exert themselves, however, as they take advantage of this “honeymoon” period of pregnancy.
