What is the Global Information Network?

What is The Global Information Network?
The Global Information Network (“GIN,” for short) is a private organization that gives its members methods used by secret societies to create financial, physical and emotional prosperity. It seems safe to say that Global Information Network members believe in the Law of Attraction and the change that maintaining a consistently positive vibration can inspire in a life. GIN uses a system of audios, books and meetings to build personal networks that then create Napoleon-Hill-inspired mastermind groups. GIN is comprised of affiliates, members and a governing council.

The Global Information Network is a brand new organization. It entered pre-launch on July 2, 2009 and then officially launched on November 1, 2009. Kevin Trudeau is the spokesperson for the Global Information Network, but is only one of several members who run GIN. In fact, the Global Information Network was started by 30 affluent former and current members of the Brotherhood, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Freemasons, Yale University’s Skull and Bones, the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission and the Bohemian Club.

Why Would Someone Join The Global Information Network?
People join the Global Information Network for a variety of reasons. Many people join GIN to increase monthly income since GIN has a referral program that pays high commissions. Others join GIN to receive support and mentoring for life goals. GIN offers personal mentors and apprenticeships once a member reaches a certain level. Still, others join GIN to belong to a powerful group. The Global Information Network is designed much like a secret society and contains members who have achieved great success in all walks of life. Belonging to the Global Information Network requires a commitment to help other GIN members prosper.

What is a Global Information Network Affiliate?

A Global Information Network affiliate is a person who participates in the GIN Referral Program, but is not recognized by GIN as a member. Joining GIN as an affiliate is free. Affiliates cannot access the member pages of the GIN website and cannot attend events held solely for members. However, the Global Information Network supports its affiliates with trainings and permits them to attend the weekend leadership conferences. GIN also has an affiliate area on its website. Most GIN affiliates eventually become Global Information Network members.

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What is a Global Information Network Member?
A Global Information Network member is a person who has paid their initial enrollment fee and has had their membership application accepted by GIN. There are 12 levels of Global Information Network membership. All GIN members start at Level 1. Advancing from Level 1 to Level 12 takes no less than one year and requires the completion of several initiation tasks. Joining the Global Information Network requires a $1,000 enrollment fee plus $150 a month in dues. Also, every GIN member must refer one new member each month in order to stay in good standing. GIN has created various programs to assist members with this requirement. Members receive numerous perks and benefits, including cash bonuses, private consultations, apprenticeships, VIP perks, gifts, business assistance, and other forms of mentoring and support. Level 12 members receive a $1,000,000 bonus.

How do Global Information Network Affiliates and Members Make Money?
The Global Information Network only sells one product: its membership. While GIN is not a multi-level marketing company like Amway or Mary Kay, it does market its memberships using a multi-level marketing strategy. Each Global Information Network affiliate and member earns $200 for referring a new GIN member and then another $200 if that member refers a new member. Additionally, they receive a commission on the monthly dues of all their sponsored members.

How Can I Learn More About The Global Information Network?
First, visit and read the entire Global Information Network website here. If what you read there feels interesting, you can connect with the Global Information Network as an affiliate (free) or as a member ($$$) using the code “CheckOutGIN”. As an affiliate or a member you immediately gain access to other levels of information on the website that discuss the Global Information Network in greater detail. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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Best wishes!
