What is the Best Lotion for Baby Eczema?

At around four months old my son began getting an odd rash on his ankles. As he aged, it became worse and worse forming red, patchy, scaly, irritated, dry skin on his legs and arms. By time he was a year old there was no question, my baby had eczema and it had become a everyday bane rather than an occasional annoyance.

What is eczema and what causes it?

Eczema is actually a group of skin conditions that cause itchy, red, scaly skin as well as puss, swelling, and fluid filled bumps on occasion. The exact cause of eczema is not known. Most experts feel it is likely a genetic condition that can be irritated by allergies and environmental elements such as a child’s laundry detergent, severe heat or a food sensitivity. One in ten children develop eczema much like my son, however in most cases eczema improves after the age of five.[1]

How is baby eczema treated?

Home care is recommended after a pediatrician confirms the diagnosis. If symptoms become severe or any area of the skin appears infected (puss, bleeding, or warmth to the touch.) you should return to your doctor.

Home care of eczema:

-Keep your baby’s fingernails short to avoid injury from itching.

-Bath your baby every other day in warm, not hot water. Adding oatmeal to the bath will help keep skin moisturized and pH balanced. New studies also show a weekly diluted bleach bath to help.[2] Be sure to use soap for sensitive skin and rinse properly. Pat your baby dry, do not rub.

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-Watch for triggers that further irritate the skin.

-Dress your baby in loose, breathable clothing.

-Immediately after bathing and 2-3 times a day apply a moisturizer preferably one that locks in moisture.

That last recommendation was a tricky one for me. My son had not only eczema but also incredibly sensitive skin. I tried over fifty lotions only to find they either did nothing for his eczema or caused a contact rash. After filling a few cabinets with every lotion under the sun, from all natural choices like Burt’s Bees to well-known name brands like Aveeno and Vaseline Intensive Care I found the best lotion for baby eczema.

What was the best lotion for baby eczema?

Disney’s Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream.

When first applying the cream I thought it was a bit messy. It left my son looking greased up like a body builder and bit slimy. After one day of use, however I could care less about that. The improvement was not only dramatic but also visible. His skin looked ten times better. Disney’s Baby Eczema Cream comes in a four ounce tube and costs around five to six dollars depending on your location. Applying two to three times a day one tube lasts me about 3 weeks, and my baby usually needs both arms and legs covered entirely. After trying so many lotions, some of which were upwards of twenty dollars a bottle, I can honestly say as the mother of a now toddler with eczema, it’s worth the six dollars to try this product. It is the best lotion I have found yet.


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What is Eczema?


Bleach Baths Help Eczema

