What is Candidiasis?

Probably the most typical yeast infection or type of candidiasis now seen is thrush. It mainly involves the area of a woman’s genitals. It is rare for men to contract the disease, but it does happen. Man or woman, you can get a yeast infection that only affects a particular part of your body.

On laboratory-cultured agar plates, it looks like large, circular colonies colored white, cream or whitish-gray. One of its most famous (or rather ill-famed) strain is Candida albicans. You should know, however, that Candida albicans is not the only strain that causes yeast infections in people.

All of our bodies hold some candida albicans, but bacteria in our metabolisms don’t allow it to develop a lot. Candida flourishes in moist dark places. That is why it often affects body cavities such as mouth, ears, and the GI tract. Of course, in women, candida can thrive in the vagina just as it can thrive under a male’s scrotum. It also likes human skin, especially warm, wet areas like skin surface creases and armpits.

Candidiasis includes several ‘yeast infections’, among them Candida albicans which is the most prevalent. A yeast infection usually keeps to one small area, but if your immune system is down, it can grow to be a bigger problem.

So, what types of things induce a yeast infection? First off, the human anatomy’s temperature must be at a specific level and the pH levels must be well-balanced. For Candida albicans and similar bacteria to reproduce without causing much trouble, these two conditions are essential. As the temperature and level of pH alters, the good bacteria perish, allowing cells of Candida albicans to transform into fungi and reproduce without any obstruction.

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Burning, itching, tingling and soreness occur when candida albicans fungi are multiplying and spreading. The fungi may become overgrown, causing more symptoms, expecially when you rub or scratch the infected areas.

Other signs include weariness, drowsiness, muscle aches, pain or puffiness in the joints, giddiness, fluid retention, tissue puffiness, loss of balance, lack of coordination, poor concentration, lousy memory, mood swings, depression, anxiety, irritability, and cravings for sugars and alcohol. Yet, these are familiar symptoms for other conditions too and so you must also take into regard other additional infallible signs.

The growth also creates particular side-effects in afflicted areas. Just as an example, yeast infections cause pale, whitish regions within the mouth, extending even to the soft palate. They can cause digestive problems and tough bowel actions. An over-abundance of candida micro-organisms on the penis creates patchy sores near the head or on the foreskin. Candidiasis is also to blame for discharges from the ear and the bowels.

Yeast infections can cause challenging, maybe even fatal, conditions. This is of special concern for those with reduced immune systems due to diabetes or HIV human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS (AIDS). Nevertheless, sufferers can be completely cured through immediate and correct diagnosis and medication.