What Does it Mean If My Dog is Vomiting?

Sooner or later, your dog will vomit. In order to determine whether the dog just has a minor digestive embarrassment or a major medical crisis, you must be willing to look at the dog’s vomitus. This is no time to be squeamish. Your dog’s life may be at stake. Pay attention to what color the dog’s vomit is, any items present, how long the dog has been vomiting, and if there are any other symptoms, such as diarrhea.


The color of your dog’s vomit not only helps to diagnose what the canine brought up but what caused her to vomit in the first place. Colors of minor gastrointestinal ailments such as bilious vomiting syndrome include transparent, frothy white or very pale yellow.

If the dog recently ate green vegetables, grass or other green plants, the vomit may be tinged green. Keep a watch on the dog for other symptoms and how many times the dog upchucks.

Red or tarry black vomit that has a strong blood or rotten meat smell is a medical emergency. These colors indicate blood in the digestive tract. This could be poisoning or signs of a perforated bowel, so contact a vet IMMEDIATELY.

Feces-brown foul-smelling vomit indicates peritonitis or a blocked bowel, according to “Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook.” This is a medical emergency.

Items Included

Has the dog brought up all of his food that he has just eaten? This is regurgitation, which is technically not vomiting. If this happens frequently then something is preventing the dog from digesting his food. Go to the vet.

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Dogs eat anything so do not be surprised if just about anything comes out of the dog’s mouth. Dogs have been known to vomit up intestinal worms, which usually indicate a severe infestation.

Has the dog just been given a new medication? Many medications can make a dog queasy, even if the medication is mixed in with food. It all depends on the individual dog’s circumstances. Contact a vet if a dog cannot keep down her medication.


If the dog vomits once and doesn’t for another 48 hours, there’s usually nothing to worry about. Dogs can vomit if they play too soon after eating. When a dog is tumbling about on a full stomach, gravity takes over.

But if a dog is vomiting several times a day, call a vet, even if vomiting is the only known symptom. Holly Nash, DVM, MS notes that sometimes the first symptom of Addison’s disease is vomiting without showing any other symptom.

Dogs that projectile vomit, even once, need a trip to the vet. There are many causes of projectile vomiting from birth defects to intestinal blockages, but the dog will not be able to digest food and begin wasting away.

Any Other Symptoms

Contact a vet immediately if a vomiting dog also has any of the following symptoms: diarrhea, fever, bloody stool; sudden lack of energy; coordination problems; seizures; swollen abdomen; dark or bloody urine; strangely colored eyes; pale gums or a persistent cough.


“Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook.” Debra M. Eldredge, DVM. Howell Book House; 2007.
Pet Education. “Vomiting in Dogs.” Holly Nash, DVM, MS. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+2090&aid;=3574
Author’s personal experience