What Day is Father’s Day 2009?

Father’s Day means a lot of different things to a lot of different people across the world. For some it is a day of remembrance for a lost father, perhaps in a senseless war or an accident or some sort of deadly disease.

For others it is a day to honor the man who taught them how to ride a bike or how to play baseball, for example.

And then there are those who never had a father in their life, unfortunately, as many simply aren’t man enough or responsible to handle it. In that case, mentors in their lives should be honored.

What Day is Father’s Day 2009?

Father’s Day this year is Sunday, June 21, 2009.

The day is not quite as popular as Mother’s Day for various reasons and fathers seem much more difficult to buy gifts for on the day as well.

That’s not to say mothers are greedier or anything like that but a good father always seems to deflect the attention from himself. My father for instance doesn’t really care if I get him a gift on Father’s Day but he would literally kick me out of the house if I were to forget to give my mother a present on Mother’s Day.

Is that the attitude that makes Father’s Day seemingly less important than Mother’s Day? Or maybe is it just because we like to spoil our mothers?

It’s hard to say but don’t forget that it’s important to show your dad some love every now and then, even if it seems like he doesn’t want any attention or praise.

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Everybody needs their day in the sun even if they don’t admit it, even fathers. Enjoy Father’s Day 2009 on June 21.