What Causes Metabolic Encephalopathy?

Metabolic encephalopathy (ME) is a brain condition that is caused by abnormal body metabolism. This condition (more of a syndrome than a disease) is usually temporary, but it can be permanent, depending on the damage done to the cortex of the brain. Metabolic encephalopathy causes a decreased supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissues of the brain. A severe case of ME could result in coma or death. Coma and death result from multiple organ failures, because the tissues and organs in the body are also deprived of oxygen and nutrients.

Risk factors for metabolic encephalopathy

Risk factors for metabolic encephalopathy increase in people who abuse alcohol, tobacco products and over dosage of certain drugs. Alcohol abuse, tobacco products and over use of certain drugs can cause liver problems. Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, renal failure and brain tumors, can put individuals at risk for ME. In order to properly treat metabolic encephalopathy it is important that the physician identifies the underlying cause or causes for the disorder.

Symptoms of metabolic encephalopathy

Symptoms of metabolic encephalopathy include memory loss, decreased cognition, lethargy, and loss of mental stability, lack of coordination, seizures and unconsciousness. The symptoms of metabolic encephalopathy usually relate to the underlying condition or conditions that cause this disorder.

Diagnosis and treatment of metabolic encephalopathy

In order to diagnose and treat ME the physician will order a variety of medical tests. A CBC (complete blood count) is a blood test and a lumbar puncture will be done to test the cerebrospinal fluid. The patient may also have an arterial blood gas test done, and a quick test is also done with a pulse-oxymeter to test the concentration of oxygen in the blood.

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Other medical tests done to diagnose medical encephalopathy are x-rays, MRI and CT scans. An EEG (electroencephalogram) may also be done to evaluate the wave patterns in the brain; this will help the doctor identify the extent of brain damage associated with metabolic encephalopathy.

Treatment of metabolic encephalopathy is designed to decrease the amount of toxins in the blood stream. A low protein, low sugar and low salt diet will be prescribed. The patient may also be advised to avoid alcohol and tobacco products. The dietary restrictions are designed to improve the health of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

Prevent metabolic encephalopathy

Nowadays, better health practices are the way to prevent many types of diseases and conditions. It is much easier to prevent metabolic encephalopathy than to treat it. You can prevent metabolic encephalopathy by making dietary and lifestyle changes. It is necessary to have a complete medical checkup yearly. If there is an underlying condition that could possibly cause ME, the routine lab work that is done at the time of the annual physical could evaluate the health of the liver, kidneys and other vital organs.



