What Are Spark Plugs, and When Should They Be Changed?

No matter how carefully we may go over the condition of our vehicles, no matter how proper and specific we may be in their maintenance, no matter how shiny we may wax the paint, there is almost always something that can escape even the most watchful car owner. While certain vehicle elements, such as the timing belt, are generally emphasized, and even mechanics may recommend their change, other elements simply seem to pass by car owners, and the results can be very negative. Perhaps one of the most forgotten, and indeed, most mysterious, aspects of the vehicle is the simple spark plug.

Although we do not often think about the spark plugs on our cars and trucks, they do indeed play a vital role in keeping everything running properly. For those who do not know, spark plugs provide the “spark” in each engine cylinder, which means that they make sure there is combustion in the engine, which is no small task, and is also incredibly important in order for the car to run properly, and for the engine to provide the car with power. However, what happens when the spark plugs fail to fire properly?

Like any other vehicle component, spark plugs can wear out just as easily as anything else, although it may be very difficult to notice the deterioration before the spark plug actually wears out. When a plug does wear out, it can cause any number of effects, ranging from a rough idle to a cylinder misfire. Although spark plug failure can mean a variety of negative effects, these effects are often confused with other car elements, and this sometimes means that a person may spend a lot of time and money fixing other components of the vehicle before it is realized that the problem is nothing more than a fouled plug.

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So, how often do spark plugs need to be changed? The general rule of thumb has been roughly 30,000 miles for a fairly long time now. However, while this has been a rule for a decently long period of time, this does not mean that all new cars necessarily fit this standard. Of course, some have made the argument that the plugs in newer cars do not need to be changed anywhere near so often. While this may be a common statement, it may not be the healthiest thing for a vehicle.

Although it may seem excessive, properly firing spark plugs can save a lot of gas and make an engine run much more efficiently. For that alone, it is best to replace the plugs when a vehicle tune up is done. When the plugs are replaced, it is also an excellent opportunity to replace the spark plug wires.

It is generally recommended that a tune up be done every year. However doing this once every two years, or even three at the maximum won’t necessarily damage your car, but it will not be running as good as it could be. Yes, one could wait 30,000 miles to replace the spark plugs, but if one wishes to keep their car running in the best shape possible, it is best to do it once every year, or once every two years. It may seem as though it is expensive to buy new plugs and wires every year. However, dealing with a car which does not run properly, or which is not running efficiently can be far more costly in the long run than simply buying the plugs and wires when possible.

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Note that there are different qualities of spark plugs available, and although it may seem tempting to go with the cheaper models, it is really best to buy the better quality plugs. Remember that if you have a turbo or supercharged vehicle, you are going to have buy different plugs accordingly, generally ones which are meant for turbocharged engine. Note also that these plugs are generally more expensive.

When it actually comes to replacing the plugs, unless one has the specific tools to do it, it is sometimes best to let a mechanic handle the situation. While it is fairly easy to change the plugs on some cars, this is not always the case, and some cars may require an entire collection of tools or special procedures in order for a proper change. However, for those who do feel compelled to do it themselves, the best bet is to either check the owner’s manual of your particular car, or do a quick search online in order to figure out the proper procedure and any special tools that may be needed.

In the end, the spark plugs, even though they are often forgotten about, should definitely be a matter of consideration for any vehicle owner. It may sometimes seem hard to remember every possible aspect of vehicle maintenance. However, the battle to remember those tiny details, and to keep your car running as strongly and efficiently as possible is one that is well worth fighting.