What a Geek Wants: Five Tips for Dating a Geeky Guy

Dating a geek guy is a rewarding experience. Geeks are everywhere: the local Apple store, a nearby convention, or even in the mundane world as food service workers and members of the armed forces. While geeks are a diverse bunch, many do enjoy some of the same preferences. Aside from being yourself with your geek guy, you can keep the following tips in mind to enhance the relationship.

Hold the stereotypes-Sometimes

As a female geek and the wife of a male geek, I know that some stereotypes hold true. Some of us get a little too absorbed in gaming or fan-fic, and many of us have escaped reality by playing World of Warcraft while living with the parents. If you’re a non-geek dating a geek, pointing out all of the nerd stereotypes can get old pretty quickly, especially if they’re sensitive subjects.

Conversely, as geekdom becomes more mainstream, many geeks are proud of their geeky nature. (How else do you explain the fact that my husband wore a “Transformers” jacket on our second date?) It’s completely cool to take notice of these details and praise them.

Know thy fandom

Geeks like different specific interests, or ‘fandoms.’ While fandoms aren’t necessarily divided by gender, you may find that geek guys have slightly different interests than geek gals. My husband is a fan of “Transformers” and “Star Wars,” for example. Knowing a bit about your guy’s favorite fandom will make conversation easier-not to mention gift-buying come holiday time.

Asking about his interests also reveals that you want to know more about who he is, what he likes, and what he dislikes.

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Get your game on

Many geek guys like to game. While you shouldn’t change your interests or lifestyle to please a guy, he’ll likely appreciate game participation because it’s an activity you can do together. My husband and I enjoy lots of games including mainstream party games (like Apples to Apples), MMORPGs like Star Wars: The Old Republic, live action role playing games (LARPs), and table top games like “Dungeons & Dragons.”

While my husband spends more time playing the “Star Wars” game than I do, he appreciates that we enjoy such an activity together.

Showing an interest in his favorite video games (and letting him chill out and zero in on the game for a while) will result in his willingness to try your favorite hobbies.

Indulge and embrace the fantasy

It’s true-geek guys have some common fantasies. The stereotypical fantasy includes a woman wearing the Princess Leia slave outfit. However, appeasing a geek guy’s fantasies doesn’t have to be that extreme. Some geek guys simply appreciate the sight of a woman in one of their oversized comic book movie shirts.

Eliminate standards

Like many guys in general, some geek guys have impossibly high standards. Many times, the average looking geek guy will turn down sweet and decent-looking ladies because he truly believes he will one day meet, date, and consummate a relationship with one of the following:

  • · Felicia Day
  • · Kari Byron
  • · Megan Fox

If the guy passes you up waiting for a chance that won’t happen, move on to the next one! However, it is possible to talk sense into some geek guys.

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