Weight Loss Product Review – L-Tyrosine from NOW

Attacking Weight Problems From A New Angle

If you have had a problem maintaining your weight in the past, or if you have been unable to lose weight even though you have followed a reasonable diet and exercising program, then you weight issues may be driven by an underactive thyroid gland. One way to stimulate your thyroid gland is to provide it with the right nutrition and enzymes.

What is L-Tyrosine?

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that you can add to your diet to improve the functioning of your thyroid gland. It comes in 500 mg capsules that you take 1 to 3 times per day. This amino acid is critical for the production of thyroid hormones, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Who Should Use L-Tyrosine from NOW?

There are many different people who could benefit from L-Tyrosine. First people who have a family history of under-active thyroids, or people who feel that their dieting efforts are not producing results can benefit from the thyroid stimulation and support characteristics of L-Tyrosine. Next bodybuilders can also benefit from adding L-Tyrosine to their diet. However, they will probably need to use a larger dose to get the results that they want. Finally, people who have recently lost a lot of weight and want help keeping it off can benefit from the amino acid provided by the L-Tyrosine.

Pros of L-Tyrosine from NOW

The first major advantage of L-Tyrosine from NOW is that it is pharmaceutical grade. There are several manufacturers of thyroid support products, however, few use pharmaceutical grade amino acids. The second advantage of taking this product is that it is very effective at stimulating the thyroid. With a family history of underactive thyroids and weight problems I have been struggling with my weight for years. However, after I started using this product I noticed that my weight was much easier to manage, especially water weight. Finally this is an affordable product that most people should be able to afford as it costs about $12 for a 40 day supply.

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Cons of L-Tyrosine from NOW

L-Tyrosine is not a “weight loss” product, per se. It will not make you lose 10 pounds in 3 days, nor will it allow you eat anything you want without gaining weight. What this product is for is to help provide your thyroid gland with the amino acid that it needs to function properly. This will in turn help your metabolism to improve and help your body to function better. This will then in turn help to improve the results of your weight loss program.

Where You Can Buy L-Tyrosine

There are several places you can buy L-Tyrosine from NOW. First you should be able to find it at a local health food or sports nutrition store. If you can’t find it locally then there are several sites online that you can buy it from including: BodyBuilding.com, IHerb.com, VitaminExpress.com, and NowFoods.com.