Weight Gain: Another Reason to Despise Menopause

When menopause hits, the main concerns of most women may be the hot flashes or the mood swings. One of the least talked about symptoms of menopause is weight gain, and this is something that is on the typical woman’s mind before, during and after the menopause years! It is also one of the symptoms of menopause that is the most difficult to deal with. You are already going through all of these physical and emotional changes, and now you have to deal with gaining weight too?!?! Well you are not alone. Keep reading to find out more on this much hated menopause symptom.

Menopause and Weight Gain

At least 90% of women going through menopause experience some degree of weight gain. That is a rather large number and this is quite worrisome for many women. Even though gaining weight is a part of the aging process (and this is in addition to menopause) there are ways to reduce any extra pounds and keep your body fit and sexy.

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause Weight Gain

When weight gain is due to menopause, the most prevalent area of gain is the midsection. This is a horrible thing for many women to hear, but sometimes the truth hurts. During the menopause years, the average amount of weight gain in women is between 12 and 15 pounds. As mentioned above, this weight gain is not the kind that distributes evenly over the body. A rounder figure, concentrating in the middle, is a typical look for women in menopause. Having a hard time telling if your weight gain is due to menopause of another factor? Following is a list of menopause symptoms that can help you determine if menopause is to blame for those extra pounds:

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Risk Factors of Menopause Weight Gain

Though a woman may have enjoyed perfect health up until menopause, there are some women who will be at higher risk for other conditions when the menopause weight starts to add up:

These conditions are very serious and the number one reason to keep menopause weight gain under control when and if possible.

Why We Gain Weight During Menopause

As with all other menopausal symptoms, the hormone fluctuations are to blame. The body is producing less estrogen in the ovaries so it looks for this hormone elsewhere. The other main area it is produced is the fat cells. This can end up causing weight gain. Progesterone is another hormone that plays a significant role in our bodies. When the levels of this hormone drop we retain water which makes us feel and appear larger than we are. Finally, the testosterone levels drop as well and this slows down our metabolism and results in weight gain.

Treatment for Menopausal Weight Gain

The best way to keep your weight under control is lifestyle changes. Change your diet to fit your new station in life. Be mindful of what you put in your mouth and your portion sizes. Also be sure to fit exercise into your daily routine as this will help with the other symptoms of menopause as well. Also look into some safe forms of alternative medicine. Diet pills are not recommended for menopause weight gain, but a supplement such as Amberen is a fantastic choice and one that is recommended by many menopausal women. Make sure that you are making smart choices about your health and you should be able to keep things under control!