Weaving a Saint Bridget’s Cross

Saint Bridget is a legendary Irish saint from the fifth century, and Saint Bridget was known for helping many downtrodden, poor, and unfortunate people of her time. Saint Bridget was a wonderful person, and her legacy lives on with Saint Bridget’s Day. Saint Bridget’s Day is traditionally celebrated on February 1 of each year, but many people believe a Saint Bridget’s Cross can bring prosperity, protection, and good luck all year long to those who hang this Irish good luck charm over the entryway of their home. A Saint Bridget’s cross like the one Saint Bridget made centuries ago is easy to make and is sure to bring good luck to those who believe in the power this Irish good luck charm beholds.

Supplies Needed to Make a Saint Bridget’s Cross

Saint Bridget made her now famous good luck cross using rushes, but a beautiful Saint Bridget’s cross can be made using paper twist. Found in most craft stores, paper twist is tightly wound crepe paper that is very versatile. Paper twist is the perfect substitute for wild rushes, and it makes a beautiful Saint Bridget’s cross. Choose natural colored paper twist, or make a Saint Bridget’s cross in a color of your choice. You will also need a pair of sharp craft scissors, warm water, and a rag.

Weaving a Saint Bridget’s Cross

Begin making a Saint Bridget’s cross by cutting sixteen twenty-inch lengths of paper twist in a color of your choice. Place the sections of paper twist in warm water for a few seconds, and pat them dry with a rag. Softening the paper twist will make it easier to work with.

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Weave the Saint Bridget’s cross by laying the first length of paper twist vertically on a flat surface. Take a second length of paper twist, and fold it in half around the middle of the first one. Take a third length and fold it in half while wrapping it around the second piece to create a right angle. Take a fourth length of paper twist, and fold it in half while wrapping it around the first and third section of paper twist. A woven square should begin to form in the middle of the cross. Keep adding wrapping lengths of paper twists in a clockwise manner. When all the pieces are used, you’ll have a cross with a completed woven square in the center.

Lastly, cut a piece of paper twist that is long enough to secure the four ends of the cross. It should be approximately 8 inches in length. Gently unroll the paper twist, and cut four equal size pieces down the length of the paper. Roll each section to make narrower sections of paper twist, and secure a piece to all four ends.

Trim any uneven ends of paper twist, and allow the Saint Bridget’s cross to dry completely before hanging. After the Saint Bridget’s cross has dried, hang it proudly above a door, and consider making one to hang above every door in your home. You might also consider making a Saint Bridget’s cross for friends and loved ones. Everyone can use a little Irish luck, fortune, and prosperity.