Ways to Use Empty Plastic Bread Bags

Imagine the number of bread bags you have emptied in the course of your lifetime thus far. Use just two loaves of bread each week and this would amount to 4,472 empty bread bags in a period of 43 years. That is a staggering number of empty plastic bread bags that could have been reused, and when any item can be put to good use instead of thrown away, money will be saved.

Fortunately there are a number of cleaver ways to use empty plastic bread bags. Inspect packaging for recycling information, and recycle plastic bread bags that can be recycled. Use the rest in the following creative and resourceful ways. Recycling packaging for other uses can save a considerable amount of money since it can take the place of costly store-bought products. Like many other types of packaging, plastic bread bags are worth saving and reusing.

Dog Waste Holders

When walking a dog in a public location, take along empty plastic bread bags to pick up after your dog. Even if you think no one will step in it, pick it up anyway. It is common courtesy to pick up after your pet, and this is one of the best ways dog owners can use empty plastic bread bags. Your neighbors will appreciate it.

Cat Litter Touchups

Dogs are not the only pets that must be cleaned up after. Cat litter boxes become minefields in a matter of days. We would walk out of a dirty bathroom, and cats will too. Instead of letting the waste build up in the cat litter box, scoop it out daily, and use empty plastic bread wrappers to dispose of the waste. The it will not be necessary to change the cat litter box as often. Also, the house will likely smell better as a result of daily waste removal.

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Creative Crafts

Would you like to make a unique wreath for the entryway door? Save plastic bread bags, cut them in equal halves, and tie them to a wire wreath form. Fill in the form completely to hide the wire. You will have a unique contemporary wreath splashed with color, interesting text and designs. For those that enjoy crafts this is one of the best ways to use empty bread bags, and when using different brands or varieties of bread, no two wreaths will be exactly alike.

Sandwich Holders

Save empty plastic bread bags to hold sandwiches for an outing, or use them to hold large submarine sandwiches for a party. When securely tied they will keep sandwiches fresh, and they can be saved, washed, dried, and reused again and again. Save the plastic tabs or twist ties as well instead of tying difficult knots in the bags.

Dirty Diaper Holders

Washable cotton diapers are best since they are biodegradable and do not end up in landfills as often as disposable varieties, but when disposable diapers are necessary, save empty plastic bread bags to hold the dirty ones until they can be properly disposed of. Empty plastic bread bags are great when visiting and traveling, and they will effectively keep bad diaper odors from lingering in and around the trashcan. Your hosts will appreciate it.

Garbage Sacks

If your vehicle is cluttered with wrappers and receipts, keep trash at bay with empty plastic bread bags. They are great for holding vehicle trash, and when the trash is dry they can be emptied and reused again and again. Make it a rule to put trash in the proper place while traveling instead of simply tossing it onto the floor. Your vehicles will stay cleaner for a longer period of time. Best of all you will be able to take the trash home and recycle it at the curb instead of tossing into a public trashcan.

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Travel Packs

Long road trips with kids require snack food and activities, and this is a great way to use empty plastic bread bags. Fill a clean empty bread bag with fun activities for each child, and fill other clean empty bread bags with healthy snacks. Save the twist ties or plastic tabs for easy resealing.

Homemade Goodie Holders

Empty plastic bread bags are also ideal for holding home-baked breads and cookies. Before the next major holiday, begin saving empty plastic bread bags. Use them to hold tasty sweetbreads and batches of homemade cookies. They are ideal for short-term freezing too.

Seasoning Bags

Next time you need a bag for seasoning chicken, pork chops, or other meats, use clean empty plastic bread bags. More often than not people discover they need a bag for coatings and a suitable bag is nowhere to be found. Stash a few bread bags in your plastic wrap and foil drawer and you will never be without a bag for seasoning and flouring meat.

Air-Filled Packing Material

Have you ever noticed those nifty little air-filled bags that are sometimes included with items sent by mail? When sending a package with breakable items, make your own pillow packs using empty bread bags. Trim the bags if necessary, and blow them up like balloons before sealing the ends. Line the bottom and top of parcels with homemade pillow packs and your items will be safer than items shipped in just bubble wrap or newsprint.

These are just some of the many ways to use empty plastic bread bags. Think of the many ways you can use empty bread bags, and begin saving them today. Reusing ordinary items that are typically thrown away is one of the best ways to recycle. Best of all you will save money since empty plastic bread bags can be repurposed in countless ways.