Ways to Help Your Golden Retriever Dog Live Longer

If you have a Golden Retriever, you’re probably concerned about him living a long and happy life. Dogs are part of the family and when they pass away it can be quite traumatic. Fortunately, there are a variety of things you can do to potentially increase your Golden Retriever’s life span.

What is the average life span of a Golden Retriever? Most studies show the average life span of this particular dog breed is around eleven years on average. Some of the health problems that can affect the Golden Retriever dog are eye problems, such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy which usually doesn’t shorten the Golden Retriever’s life span. Other conditions that more frequently affect this dog breed and may have some effect on a Golden Retriever’s life expectancy are epilepsy, hip dysplasia, cardiomyopathy, and osteosarcoma, which is cancer of the bone. Golden Retrievers also have a tendency to develop volvulus or “bloat” which is a life threatening condition where the stomach becomes twisted.

While many of the above diseases can’t be completely prevented, there are simple steps you can take to help prolong your Golden Retriever’s life span:

Feed your Golden Retriever a high quality dog food.

By feeding your Golden Retriever a high quality diet, you’ll reduce his risk of becoming overweight which is a risk factor for a variety of diseases in dogs including diabetes. In one study performed on Labrador Retrievers, dogs that were kept lean lived two years longer than the control group. They also were able to avoid developing some of the diseases associated with aging such as arthritis. Many commercial pet foods have additives that may be harmful to your Golden Retriever. If you can’t find a good organic dog without dangerous additives, consult with your vet for some guidelines on how to make your own.

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Spay or neuter your Golden Retriever.

If you don’t plan on breeding your dog, have him spayed or neutered. Spaying and neutering can reduce the risk of certain types of reproductive cancers in dogs, including breast cancer in female dogs which is not uncommon.

Exercise your Golden Retriever daily.

Exercise not only has benefits of its own, it also reduces your dog’s risk of obesity. Aim for a thirty minutes walk with your Golden Retriever twice a day. Your dog may also benefit from some organized play time with a ball or frisbee. Exercise also helps to keep your dog mentally challenged which can reduce his stress level.

Avoid giving your dog table food.

Feeding your dog high fat human foods increases his risk for pancreatitis, a potentially life threatening condition. It may be okay to give your dog wholesome fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables, but consult with your veterinarian first since certain fruits such as grapes can be toxic to your dog.

Watch for signs of illness and schedule regular veterinarian visits.

Check daily for signs of illness in your dog. Look for such signs as skin changes, loss of fur, increased panting, excessive thirst and urination, changes in his stool, vomiting, and personality changes. If your dog shows any of these signs, see your veterinarian. You want to diagnose potential medical problems early for the best prognosis. Be sure to have your dog evaluated by his veterinarian on a regular basis.

Remove potential poisons and toxins from your dog’s reach.

Dogs have a tendency to be inquisitive. Ensure your dog’s safety by removing any cleaning chemicals, medications, or other poisons from the reach of your dog.

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Learn how to perform canine CPR.

If your dog should collapse suddenly, you’ll want to be prepared by know how to perform canine CPR. There are a variety of videos and books that can teach you the basic steps for reviving your dog. It pays to be prepared.

By taking the above steps, you can hopefully enhance your Golden Retriever’s life span so you can spend many happy years together.