Ways for Kids to Make Money

No matter a kid’s age, he or she would most likely enjoy the opportunity to make money and having that feeling of independence. Kids that earn their own money learn to appreciate the value of money and what it means to work hard for money.

There are many ways for kids to make money but some ways are better than others and depending on kids preferences, finding a good fit for a money making venture is the best bet for success.

Here are the top 5 ways for kids to make money, each job is very different but can be really lucrative if the job is well done.

Ways for Kids to Make Money #1: Babysit

If a kid is old enough and responsible enough to babysit for other children, I feel this is one of the best ways for kids to make money and good money too. My daughter is an older teen and still does quite a bit of babysitting, she makes more money babysitting than she would working at a retail store or most any other job. The great aspect of babysitting is that once a kid does a good job babysitting, they most likely will get called back for additional jobs.

Ways for Kids to Make Money #2: Wrap Presents

Wrapping presents is a fun and easy ways for kids to make some money especially at the holidays. Not only are there lots of presents to wrap at the holidays but kids are especially in need of money at the holidays. There are so many people who feel overwhelmed at the holidays and wrapping presents is the last thing they want to tackle so the proposition of having someone wrap their presents is a dream come true.

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Ways for Kids to Make Money #3: Pet Sitter

So many people these days have pets and work full-time so the need for pet sitters is prevalent. If a kid loves animals and is responsible, this is an outstanding way for a kid to make money. If a kid does a good job as a pet sitter, they could very easily get more referrals for work through word of mouth. Fliers are also a great way to offer pet sitting services and a fun way for kids to make money.

Ways for Kids to Make Money #4: Lemonade Stand

This way for a kid to make money is an oldie but still a goodie, especially on hot days, people are more than happy to stop and purchase a cold beverage. Selling cold beverages at a stand can really add up financially and it is a great way for kids to learn customer service skills.

Ways for Kids to make Money #5: Wash Cars

People want to take care of their cars because they are keeping their cars longer so washing cars is a great way for kids to make money. The idea of having someone wash a car right at the owner’s house is a big convenience for car owners and they appreciate not having to drive somewhere to get their car washed. Cars need to be washed frequently so the chance of repeat business is highly likely if the job was well done.

Kids can make money in many different ways, it is a matter of finding a job that is of interest to the child and one where a decent amount of money can be made.