Warning Signs of Being Overstressed

Stress has a negative impact on people and impacts the ways they live. The cumulative nature of stress, can negatively impact or effect behavior. Stress is simply the daily pressures or tensions that people feel from every aspect or area of their lives.

Stress can cause headaches, raise blood pressure, effect the process of digestion, and increases the chance of developing heart problems, high blood sugar or even stroke. With all of the negative impact of stress people need to understand when they are under pressure from life. What are some of the warning signs that a person is experiencing too much stress?

Increased anxiety
Stress has a way of increasing levels of anxiety. People who are under too much stress seems to have an increased level of worries because they believe that they have more to worry about. Anxiety or worry can be significantly increased by the effects of personal stress.

Lack of sleep
Stress has a way making a massive impact on an individual through affecting their sleep patterns and ability to fall asleep. Stress can cause higher levels of tension or anxiety that often converts into an inability to sleep. Prolonged loss of sleep develops into irritability, increased fatigue and loss of stamina.

Loss of appetite
Some individuals experience a loss of appetite while under a high level of stress. Stress causes people to experience a loss of physical boundaries and hunger is one of those issues. People under extreme amounts of stress either suffer from a lack of desire to eat.

Inability to relax
Stress creates a high level of irritability in people and thus causes the person to have an inability to relax. The ability to relax is to experience moments of personal tranquility or peace. The inability to relax only heightens the experience of stress. Sometimes stress seems like a vicious cycle. Stress can in turn help to create additional forms of stress.

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Loss of productivity
Stress often causes a loss of concentration and a loss of focus. The end result is an overall loss of productivity. Stress can dramatically affect the work life of people. Stress robs people of their ability to effectively produce at a high level or high quality of work.

Development of paranoia
Sometimes people who experience extreme amounts of stress develop forms of paranoia. These paranoid feelings often relate to the cause or trigger of the stress. For example, people feeling stress about their work situation may develop paranoia about losing their job or getting passed over for a promotion.

Various physical signs
Increased stress can affect the various aspects of the physical life. Among the more common side effects of stress are increased blood pressure, ongoing digestive problems such as indigestions and heartburn and increased chance of heart attacks and strokes.

Over development of stress causes serious disruptions in the daily living of individuals. If stress is causing any of these symptoms, find some help to take back control. Stress can be chronic but it also can be treated. High levels of stress can be treated and relief can be found. Sometimes stress can be relieved on its own and sometimes professional mental or medical help needs to be sought.