Vintage Tin Can Window Treatment

This awesome Vintage Tin Can window treatment is the simplest way to incorporate a vintage design into your home, kitchen, family room, or even a home office. Vintage Tin Can window panels let light in through the holes you poke and cut in them.

You can find Vintage Tin Cans at your local flea market, antique store, or even on ebay!

To make this simple Vintage Tin Can window treatment you will need:

Vintage Tin Cans



Floral wire


Sheet of Paper (optional)

Black fine tip Sharpie

Two Teacup hooks

Two ribbons 20 inches long

1 – 2 yards of ribbon

Hot glue


Tape Measure

The first step is to measure how wide and tall the inside of your window frame is. I like to make this simple Vintage Tin Can window treatment fit the bottom half of the window, but that are up to you. The Vintage Tin Can window treatment will block a good bit of light, so keep that in mind.

The first step is to clean out your painted or vintage tin cans. Simply wash them out with hot water and soap.

Now, use your tin snips to cut open your tin cans. I like to cut up along the back seam after I have used a can opener to remove the bottom of the can.

Use a hammer or rubber maillot to flatten out your vintage pr painted tin can.

Cut out a piece of paper that is the same size you want to make your window panel. Use this as a guide to help you lay out the pattern of vintage painted tin cans you want.

See also  Painted Vintage Tin Tray Craft Project

Now, once you have your pattern established start using your rivet tool to punch out holes in the overlapping tin can pieces.

Next, use the rivets to attach the pieces together to form the window panel.

Go ahead a use the rivet to poke a hole in the top right and top left of the window panel.

Run a bead of hot glue along the edge of the painted vintage tin can panel. Cut your ribbon into four pieces that are each as long as one side of the window panel. Lay half of the ribbon on the front of the vintage tin panel and press onto the glue. Repeat on all four sides.

Now, flip the piece of painted vintage tin can window panel over. Run beads of glue along each edge of the back of the vintage tin. Press the other half of ribbon down on the back. This will add some more color to your vintage tin window treatment as well as provide you will a beautiful finished edge.

You can skip this ribbon step if you want though! Use a metal file to sand down any rough edges of the painted vintage tin can panel.

You also do not have to make this painted vintage tin can window treatment as large as your window. You can hang it in the middle and still have an awesome designer vintage look.

Insert 20-inch ribbon through each hole you made in the top left and top right corner.

You can use a pushpin to attach each side of the painted vintage tin can panel to your window. Just push them into your window frame.

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