Vintage Glass Bottle Wind Chimes

There is a small neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia called Cabbage Town. It is a very eclectic neighborhood with a lot of charm. Driving through there you will see tons of colorful items on display, hanging and resting on the front porches of the homes. Vintage bottle wind chimes are one of the most prevalent displays of this eclectic art you will see. Many of the houses do not even make the vintage glass bottles into wind chimes; they simply hang them in rows on their front porch.

While I know this unusual display of repurposed art might not fly in a home association, fortunately there are still some places in the world where a little eclectic art is valued and appreciated.

You can make this simple eclectic vintage bottle wind chime in less than ½ an hour. It should not cost you too much. I recommend buying a six pack of glass bottle Cocoa Colas if you can find them. Have a little fun chugging the sugary drink and then use the glass bottles to make this fun and eclectic wind chime. If you do live in a neighborhood controlled by a home association, then hang it in your bedroom window.

To Make This Vintage Bottle Wind chime You Will Need:

Glass Coke bottles (vintage or not)
Twine or Thin Rope
Nails or Upholstery Tacks (optional)
Round Plant Iron Ring (optional)
Exterior Paints or Acrylic Paints (optional)

Now, there are quite few possibilities when making this wind chime, so you pick the one that suits you and your home best!

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First if all, if you collect vintage bottle, this is a great way to display them. If you do not collect vintage bottle, and then as I said before new glass Coke bottles will do.

If you want to add color, you can simply pour some colored acrylic or exterior paint into the glass coke bottle. Swirl it around until it coats the entire inside of the glass bottle. Pour the extra back into the can of paint.

Now, if you did this step, then let it dry. Just remember though, you can use colored glass bottles or even clear glass Coke bottles if you want.

Now, simplicity if the word of the day in Cabbage Town. There is no room for anything fancy in this inner city neighborhood that was originally established by Fulton Cotton Mill Workers. So, all you need to do it take your twine and cut it to a variety of different lengths. If you have a collection of old shoes strings you could use them in place of the twine. Tie one end of the twine around the Coke bottle. Tie it near the top at the mouth.

Tip: If you really want an eclectic coke bottle wind chime look, then do not make any of the lengths of twine the same. Some should be absurdly long, while others are very short. You are going for a very homemade look here.

Now, if simplicity is in your nature you would simply take these the other end of the twine up to the edge of the ceiling of your front porch. Run them the entire length of your front porch so that when they sway they hit each other.

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For a more finished look that does not consume your front porch, you can with the vintage coke bottle to one of those round iron plant rings that is neat to hold potted plants. They cost less than $10 and can be found in any garden or home imporvemtn store. I like to use the kind that attach on the side to any wall with screws.

Go ahead and hang the iron plant circle first. Then tie your glass Coke bottles around the circle. You have to tie them at interesting and different lengths to really make it look like an eclectic touch of Cabbage Town!

You can always hang this off of your back porch of the home association does not see this as the Coke bottle art project you do!
