Versace Bright Crystal, Perfume for Women: Review

Last night I stopped in at my cousins new apartment. It was the first time I had seen it, so I was excited to browse through all of her rooms, to see how she had gone about decorating the place.

I found myself in her bedroom; eh, the bedroom was nice…but something else caught my eye immediately, and the bedroom became a blur. All I saw was this bottle; this gorgeous fancy bottle of perfume that I had never seen before.

I asked her what it was, and was told that it was Versace, Bright Crystal. She then told me to try it. Oh yeah!


Versace Bright Crystal comes in a very unique bottle. I am sure it is a style many perfume junkies have already seen, but I myself had never seen anything this gorgeous.

The bottle itself is clear and square shaped. Inside you can see that the perfume is pink. However it’s not the bottles bottom I was in love with. It was it’s cap. Most perfume bottles come with standard caps with nothing peculiar or odd about it. Versace Bright Crystal though comes with a topper that is just as big as the bottle itself. A huge large crystal shaped cap sits on top of the pump. It seriously looks like a real crystal (although it is some sort of heavy plastic). It shines like a gem, and is what drew me in, in the first place.

I popped off the huge gem of a top, which stays on with ease (something that large and heavy and you’d expect it to sit on the top loosely).

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At first I was not in love with Versace Bright Crystal. It was a scent that I know I had smelled before. It had a clean scent, that reminded me a bit of bar soap. I could not really detect anything natural about it. I couldn’t detect anything floral or fruity, like Versace advertises is in it. I smelled soap. It was not a bad scent, but it also was not a new one.


At home was when I was more impressed with Versace Bright Crystal. I had sprayed the perfume on hours ago, and in my bed while I lay watching TV, I would every now and then get a kiss if the scent.

I knew what it reminded me of at this time. It had that same fresh warm scent that you would get after having a bubble bath. Soapy yes, but also a comforting scent that I liked a lot.

The scent after taking a bubble bath never lasts long, but Versace Bright Crystal managed to bottle that loving scent up, and somehow made it so the scent would last for hours after applying. Jackpot! I loved it.


A definite yes. Versace Bright Crystal packages a bubble bath on the go. I fell in love with it, and already placed an order to have it sent to me.

-You can buy a bottle of Versace Bright Crystal at any local perfume store, or department store such as Macy’s. You can get it online though for less. The price varies anywhere from $40.00 to $60.00 depending on the bottle size you want.