Velveeta Shells & Cheese Vs. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese

Velveeta Shells & Cheese vs. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese

There are some things in our lives that are timeless, a good bottle of wine, a perfectly aged bottle of scotch, and a good porterhouse steak. But of all things in our life that transcend age: a good plate of macaroni and cheese takes the cake.

Perhaps it’s because that, unlike the others mentioned, you’re raised on the mac & cheese at a very young age. And with its simplicity to prepare and it’s always great taste, it’s a must have in any kitchen.

But which one is the best? When it comes down to it, there are only two brands to choose from. We have Velveeta Shells & Cheese and it’s opponent: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Everything else in it’s category is just a pretender.

So I decided to let these two juggernauts battle it out for the ultimate supremacy in the mac and cheese world.


There’s not much I could do in the way of testing them. I decided that I would have them on consecutive Mondays. The first Monday would be Velveeta, and the next Monday would be Kraft. I also made sure that I had them both for dinner and I chose water to accompany the meal.


Kraft wins this hands down. For both choices I went with the regular sized box and skipped the family sized box. Velveeta rang up at $2.79. While Kraft cost me a mere $1.29. Which, if we’re keeping sharp with our math skills means we can get two boxes of Kraft for less than the price of one Velveeta. EDGE: Kraft

See also  Velveeta: A Cheese Product as Good as the Real Thing


Both have stove top and microwave directions. I went with the microwave as I am far more handy with a microwave. The instructions on both we easy to follow(after all, how hard can making mac and cheese be?) and the microwave time was under 12 minutes for both. Where they began to separate themselves was after the macaroni was cooked. Velveeta was simple: I open a packet of cheese, pour, and stir. I found it to be very simple. However, Kraft required the addition of ΒΌ of a cup of milk, at least a tablespoon of margarine, then I added the powder cheese mix, and stirred. While it certainly isn’t rocket science, it was more involved that you would want it to be. Total prep time for Velveeta was 15 minutes. Total prep time for Kraft was 18 minutes. With all the added extras, I’d have to give the advantage to Velveeta. EDGE: Velveeta


Certainly this is the most important test. Kraft, while tasting good, was a little watery for my particular taste. It’s light and not very chewy, meaning you could easily shovel a box into your mouth without thinking twice. It made me realize that it’s probably a good reason why it’s often served with hot dogs. It’s because it’s not especially filling on it’s own.

Velveeta on the other hand was certainly more chewy, but had a richer and creamier flavor. It wasn’t watered down, and certainly was filling enough to be served all by itself. Serving hotdogs with this meal might be too much for a normal sized eater to handle. EDGE: Velveeta

See also  Velveeta Shells & Cheese Versus Kraft Macaroni & Cheese


Although Kraft Macaroni & Cheese will always have a place in the heart of anyone who grew up on it like I did, but it’s safe to say that as I’ve entered adulthood, Velveeta has graduated to the macaroni & cheese of choice for the more sophisticated person. It’s easy to prepare and is packed with far more flavor than the other juggernaut it its field. Kraft the price among men in the mac and cheese category, but that would only make Velveeta the king.
