Updated Review: The Chinatown Bus – The Cheapest Ride from Philly to NYC

In a previous article I wrote titled: The Chinese Bus cheapest way from Philadelphia to New York City, I applauded this bus for it’s inexpensive way of safely transporting people to one of the most shop-worthy places in the U.S., New York City.

However, I was not aware of what would come out in the news recently about these affordable but sketchy buses. By sketchy, I mean you should perhaps do some research of your own before getting on Apex, New Century or any of the host of other inexpensive buses that take you from one Chinatown to another in the cities of Boston, Philadelphia, and DC. Sure, it’s only 10.00 to go from Philly to NY, but price may not be everything.

Recent news reports say that one of these buses was shut down for improper disposal of waste. Another bus was shut down because two people died, but let me give you my personal review of the Chinese Bus: The Cheapest way to get from Philadelphia to NYC,

I have ridden the Chinese bus approximately five times from Philadelphia to NYC. I have traveled both in the daytime and at night. The first time I went into the bus terminal, I was impressed at the great flexibility the company had in terms of time schedule. It seemed like a bus was coming about every half hour from 6am to about 11pm on most days of the week. I boarded the bus at about 8:00 am and noticed that the bus did not leave on time. Instead, it waited a few minutes while people ran down the block trying to hop on the bus before it pulled off. What was worse was that even after the late people got on the bus, the bus driver waited a bit longer in order to make sure that all of the seats were full.

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We ended up leaving somewhere between 8:03 and 8:05 instead of the scheduled 8:00. Then, after an hour and a half bus ride in pretty comfortable seats, the bus stopped at forsynthe, which is a street right under the Manhattan Bridge, in Chinatown.

I thought it was all great. I got all of that for 10 dollars. I mean, I got a little confused about where the bus stop was on the way back, but once I found it, I was on my way home, happy to have saved some money.

That first ride on the Chinese bus, which was specifically the New Century Line, gave me a good impression of the company. However, about the second time I rode the bus, the bus driver got lost on the way back home. He had to turn around or something, and I grew a bit concerned that time, but I found it hard to get upset at New Century because their price was so good.

However, I read another interesting tidbit in the news. Buses like New Century and Apex do not have strict drug testing regulations. I guess that would account for drivers waiting for the bus to be packed before they decide to accommodate their written schedule or getting lost on the very direct route from NY to Philly.

So now, I will not be riding the Chinese bus. Greyhound has lowered its prices anyways. Well, at least I won’t be riding it anytime soon.