Unsightly Cracked Feet: Dr. Scholl’s Exfoliating Stone File & Udderly Smooth Bring Soothing Relief

Are your feet so rough and cracked that they snag the blankets at night? Can’t put on a pair of pantyhose hose without catching your rough feet and causing a run? Tired of hiding your feet because of unsightly rough and cracked skin? I was too, until I discovered Dr Scholl’s Exfoliating Stone File and Udderly Smooth udder cream.

I have suffered from dry feet for a long as I can remember. I dreaded the inevitable moment when someone would catch a glimpse of my unsightly rough and cracked feet and exclaim in shock that my feet looked horrible. I concealed them the best I could, being careful never to wear shoes that would reveal the side or heal of my feet.

I tried everything. I soaked. I rubbed and scrubbed and even contemplated a Brillo Pad. Nothing worked. Pumice stones simply were not cut out for the challenge of my feet. I suppose they are designed to maintain feet that are already soft and smooth.

Even the fancy little foot cleaner that spins around in an attempt to smooth rough skin did nothing, except run down the batteries before I was able to see the slightest improvement.

Remove the Callus

Then I discovered Dr. Scholl’s Exfoliating Stone File. It may look like any other pumice stone with a handle, but this is no ordinary pumice stone. The handle fits nicely in the hand and provides a good grip. Anyone who has ever tried to file away thick calluses from the side and around the heal of the foot knows that a good grip is essential. Aging bodies simply do not bend and twist the way they used to. If you have arthritis, you might as well forget keeping a grip on a sudsy pumice stone while contorting your body to reach the outside of your foot.

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Dr. Scholl’s found a solution to this. The Exfoliating Stone File is curved to fit the contours of the foot and is designed to be used on dry feet. No more fumbling with slippery pumice while balancing on one foot in the shower. This stone is easy to use and did an amazing job of removing the thick callus and cracked skin from my feet.

For the first time in a long time, the thick cracked callus was gone. My feet were still rough to the touch so I knew I needed something more than a stone file to cure my feet. I tried a thick layer of Vaseline under my socks before bedtime, but I couldn’t tolerate the feel of sticky hot socks on my feet while I slept.

Sooth the Skin

In desperation, I decided to try Udderly Smooth udder cream; after all, if this healed cow’s tender udders, it must be some powerful formula. My feet actually absorbed the udder cream and felt better right away. Within a few days of applying the cream my feet became smooth and soft.

For extremely dry or cracked feet, it may take a week or two to get your feet into shape, but once you have done that, all you need to do is maintain them.

Maintain Your Feet

To maintain smooth and soft feet, simply use the exfoliating stone file on clean and dry feet daily. Follow with Udderly Smooth udder cream. There is no need to use excess udder cream. Simply rub the cream into your feet before putting on your socks.

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Extremely dry feet, like mine, may take a week or two to reach what others would consider normal, but I definitely saw and felt an improvement the very first day I used the exfoliating stone file and followed up with Udderly Smooth udder cream. Each day, my feet became softer and smoother and that felt wonderful.

I am thankful that I discovered the exfoliating stone file and Udderly Smooth udder cream. If Dr Scholl’s Exfoliating Stone File and Udderly Smooth udder cream can cure my dry and cracked feet, it will surely cure yours, too.