United States Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court is the highest level of justice on the land of the United States of America. This historic level of justice has seen many cases and has had many men and women in which made decisions to interpret the United States Constitution and federal laws. It is now where one has the ability to comprehend what the United States Supreme Court does on a daily basis.

The purpose of the United States Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution in the United States and formally decides what parts of United States law needs to be further clarified. The Supreme Court of the United States reviews cases ranging from theft to murder. The Supreme Court of the United States is also charged with the challenge of viewing how the laws of the land are applied to everyday life in the country. This is greatly a tough job in which they have taken oath to uphold the constitution of the United States at all costs. The Supreme Court Justices are appointed to the positions on the panel and may spend the rest of their lives on the bench. The scope of the United States Supreme Court is to complete the legal system without ongoing lifelong deliberation on legal decisions. This is what the government has charged them with the duty to carry out and by all means they will complete the tasks placed before them.

The United States Supreme Court is comprised of a Chief Justice and eight associate Justices which all sit on the United States Supreme Court panel. The United States Congress has limited the amount of cases in which the Supreme Court views each year thus, allowing the court to concentrate on issues that involve question of the United States Constitution or federal law. Each justice comes from many years of experience in the justice system of the United States and also has their own opinions on different topics. This is what makes a diverse Supreme Court so great because it allows for deliberation to take place instead of making up their minds and stamping the new law. The United States Supreme Court is very important to the existence of American law because without this judicial body the country would be in trouble. Imagine what it would be like if a single body of the legal system would interpret the law the way they wanted and there was nothing you could do about it.

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The process of the United States Supreme Court is very formal and orderly in order to assess the cases it hears everyday. The setting is quiet an all attention must be paid up front to where the litigators and justices are seated. In a case both the defense and the plaintiff will have thirty minutes to make their statement and get questioned by the justices. Make no mistake about it being a litigator in front of the United States Supreme Court Justices is not easy as you would think. The justices of the court may interrupt any litigator at any time in their argument to ask questions. The questions may range from simple to get a clear answer or moderately complex in which the litigator may not know off hand. After the arguments that are placed in front of the court, the justices then review the cases in Wednesdays and Fridays to vote and deliberation is strong in the room I may add. Once the justice’s vote it is up to the Chief Justice as to what justice will create a reply of the courts opinion. It is the legal staffs’ duty to bring forward any research into the meeting if necessary upon request from the justices. The United States Supreme Court does not have a specific time limit in which opinions must be delivered. If the Supreme Court needs a few days to a few months to interpret the law then that is what it will take to reach a decision.

The United States Supreme Court has a very tough challenge when it comes to using discretion upon making decisions on cases. The powers of the Supreme Court are somewhat unlimited because they are the last set of legal arbitrators in which will decide on final legal interpretations. There is no one person above the United States Supreme Court in which can overrule their judicial decisions. Once a decision is placed in front of the Untied States Supreme Court there is no where else to turn because these are the justices chosen by the American government to complete the law. The effect that the United States Supreme Court has on the citizens of this country is very strong because their decisions constitute what is legal and what is not once and for all. There may be positive effects or negative effects on the citizens of the United States when the United States Supreme Court makes a decision. The negative side means that all legal body’s in the nation would have to adhere to the new laws and procedures have to be changed all of the time. Positively, many Americans would probably benefit because the Supreme Courts’ decisions would maybe give them a better right to be free. Personally, I believe that the United States Supreme Court is good just the way it is because they already have a tough enough position and if we change things now it may hinder our legal system and future way of life.

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In close, the United States Supreme Court is the ultimate court in the government of the United States of America and will remain that way for all time. It is our right to fight for our rights and ensure that all are created equal without prejudice, inequality and injustice.


Administrative Office of United States Courts. (n.d). Structure of the Federal Courts. Retrieved

from http://www.uscourts.gov

PBS. (2003). The Decision Process. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org