Unique Plans for Bird Feeders

Birds can be very picky when it comes to visiting yards. Many birds will use their instincts to determine which yards offer the best food and shelter for them and their young. Therefore, some birdwatchers will report many birds in their yards while others will have very few sightings throughout the year. If you want to attract birds to your yard, you should certainly have plans for bird feeders. Plans for bird feeders can include finding the right type of feeder, the right location to place the feeder, and the addition of other natural elements in order to attract the birds to your feeder. One great thing to add to your plan for a bird feeder includes the addition of trees to your yard.

The first thing to consider is the type of birds you are hoping to attract. If you are interested in attracting humming birds for example, you will need a specific humming bird feeder. If you are trying to attract purple martin birds, you will need a purple martin feeder. Be sure you have the correct type of feeder for the birds you wish to attract. You can ask the local expert at your wildlife feeding store or your general merchandise store for tips on which feeders work for which bird species.

Next, you must include location in your plans for bird feeders. The location of your bird feeder is very important in the success of your feeder. Birds want to feed in areas where they will not be bothered or threatened by other forms of wildlife. If you have animals in your yard, birds will not likely want to visit. So, if you are a dog owner, you may think about putting your feeders at the side or front of your home to get the best results.

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Lastly, once you have the proper type of feeder and have chosen a great location, you will need to focus on other aspects of your landscaping to attract the most birds as you can. You can do this by planting more shrubs and trees. Birds need these plants in order to have shelter and nest. If you don’t have trees and shrubs in your yard, you will not likely attract birds. Some bird species will only feed close to where they nest or near their shelter. Providing these things for birds will bring more of them to your yard and to your feeder.

When drawing up plans for bird feeders, be sure to include these three important elements in your design. If you want the best results and long to see more birds in you yard than ever before, making plans for bird feeders is a great idea. By making a list or drawing out what you want to provide for the birds in your area, you will be more focused and more likely to make a great habitat that will attract many different local birds. Be sure to cater to those birds that are most common in your area. Every now and then you might have an unusual visitor, but typically the native birds will be those that frequent your property.