Unicorn Themed Party Games and Activities for Children

Are you racking your brain over which games and activities to incorporate into your child’s next unicorn themed birthday party? If so, you may want to check out a few of my unicorn related game and activity ideas. Here they are:

Stick Unicorn Races

If you are looking for a party game that will get the kids up and moving, give stick unicorn races a try. Simply set up a race course and give each guest a stick unicorn. Then give the signal and let the kids run. You could opt to give out prizes for the fastest gallop, the slowest gallop or the best unicorn noises. In most instances, stick unicorns may be purchased through toy stores or made with wooden dowels and paper mache. In most instances, the homemade version will turn out to be the most economical one.

Unicorn Tail Tag

Don’t think that your guests will want to play stick unicorn races? Perhaps they’d rather play unicorn tail tag instead. Remember playing flag football and tag? My version of unicorn tail tag borrows a little bit from each one. All you need to do is create a few rainbow unicorn tails out of colored yarn and purchase some adjustable rainbow belts. Then attach the unicorn tails to all of the kids except one. The kid without the unicorn tail is considered to be “it.” He or she must then run around and capture the other children’s unicorn tails. The last child to keep his or her unicorn tail gets to be “it” the next go round. You could opt to forgo handing out prizes for this game altogether or give one to the child that manages to capture the most unicorn tails in the shortest time period.

See also  Ten Tips for a Football Tailgate Party

Design-Your-Own Unicorns

Do you welcome the idea of letting the kids get crafty? Well then, why not give them an opportunity to make their own unicorns. It’s an activity that will burn up a lot of time and give the kids a chance to use their imaginations. Because they’ll get to keep their homemade unicorns, it can also save you from having to spend additional money on party favors.

The best way to set up the design-your-own unicorn activity is to invest in a few paper mache horse forms. Then let the kids convert the forms into personalized unicorns with colored yarn, glitter, glue and paints. One company that sells the ready-made forms for a reasonable fee is DCC Crafts. As far as prizes go, you could award homemade unicorn ribbons to the kids for such things as having the most colorful unicorn or the most unusual unicorn.

Source: Personal Experience

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