Understanding Football Equipment Safety

American football is a game that is played as warriors. Like any good warrior, a football player must have protective gear before they go into battle. This football equipment can be a bit confusing and overwhelming to a new football player. Understanding why and how you wear each piece of football equipment can help you to make the most of it.

Required Football Equipment

Football Helmet – The football helmet is the single most important piece of protection that a football player wears. It has a hard outer shell, with various pads inside. The front has a mask that protects the player from hands and fingers while still allowing them to see. The helmet keeps your brain from being rattled when you get hit and helps when you fall to the ground. A perfect fit is vital to a football helmet’s effectiveness.

Shoulder Pads- Shoulder pads come in many shapes and sizes and usually is tailored to the position that you play. They sit on the shoulders and strap underneath your arms. These pads allow you to hit players and the ground without breaking your shoulder.

Neck Roll – A neck roll is a pad that sits behind your helmet on your upper back to keep your head from being knocked backwards. This is very important as well and is becoming fairly standard at most positions.

Rib Pads – Rib pads are not commonly worn by all, but quarterbacks are commonly using them. They are there to help when the quarterback has to raise their arm to throw. Normally your ribs would be open to hits, but with rib pads it softens the blow somewhat. They are not very comfortable and restrict movement to a degree.

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Hip Pads – These fit into your football pants and protect the hard sides of your hips. Because you fall on this area often, it is important to have them in place correctly.

Cup – This protects your nether regions from being hit directly and is self explanatory as to why if you are a guy.

Thigh Pads – Thigh pads are used to help with hits to the upper legs. Some players are going without these and it is not advised. One direct hit in the thighs can give you a bone bruise that will not go away for a very long time.

Knee Pads -Knee pads are another piece of football equipment that is vital and should be used at all times. Your knees take a beating in the game of football and can use all the padding they can get.

Optional Football Equipment

Gloves – Gloves are there primarily to help with the grip on the ball. They serve no real purpose for protection but are widely used anyway.

Tape – Tape is the number one way to shore up an injury in football. If you have weak ankles, you will tape them before a game. If you have fingers that have been jammed, then you will tape them together. Some use tape for appearances and some use them to keep sweat off their hands.

Knee Braces – This is for those players that have knee problems or weakness. Many players now are using them even if they have no injury to help with prevention. It keeps the knees more stable when cutting and taking hits.

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Elbow Pads – Elbow pads are additional padding for when you land on your elbows. They slide onto your arm and help a great deal. Some players feel they restrict arm movement, particularly if you are a quarterback.

This list of football equipment gives you all the basics that you need to know. There are other devices and pieces of equipment, but they are generally specialized to injuries and the like. Make certain your football equipment has a proper fit, and is in good working order before you take the field. Your body will thank you for it in the end.