Understanding Cordless Phone Frequencies

2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz, and Dect 6.0 are the frequencies of cordless phones. When searching for the right cordless it is important to understand the different frequencies. The process may leave many confused. Is it better to get an older reliable model with a 2.4 GHz frequency or a 5.8 GHz phone system that is an upgrade from the previous 2.4 system?

What about the Dect 6.0? The right phone choice depends on the buyer and their respective needs. This article is examining the advantages of the different frequencies.

A single phone jack can be extended to increase the number of phones to form a custom network.

You can think of your cordless phone as a radio receiver. It transmits calls through a certain frequency. Each of the frequencies discussed affect the range your phone can connect to its base and how clear the call comes through the other line. The clarity of your phone and range can also be affected by certain home electronic or obstructions in your home.

In my home, the microwave is one of those appliances. Any time im on the cordless phone, while using the microwave, I can hear static on my phone. It sounds like a broadcast problem on a television.

More and more people are selecting 5.8 GHz phones over 2.4Ghz phones. The 2.4 GHz phones are slowing being phased out. The problem with 2.4 GHz phones is its frequency host some household electronics and appliances. My microwave for example, interferes with my cordless calls.

Maybe its time for me to upgrade my phone? Devices such as radios, baby monitors, and microwaves affect calls made from the 2.4GHz phone.
The obvious choice for most people would be the newer 5.8 and 6.0 models.
The great aspects of the 2.4 GHz phone is the speak phone option, caller ID, call forwarding and an answer machine system to record missed calls.

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The 5.8 phones provide better sound quality and range than the 2.4 model. One of the biggest advantages of the 5.8 GHz phones is that the actual frequencies band is less compacted than the older model, 2.4 GHz. You don’t have to worry about those nagging interferences in your phone calls. The 5.8 model phones are moderately priced and offer a variety of brands and designs to choose from. There are no serious disadvantages with the 5.8 phones. It still gets all the features of a 2.4 GHz phone.

The Dect 6.0 is the newest model platform. The 6.0 models allow access to a fixed telecom network as well as GSM capabilities. This model offers better range than the 5.8, while saving more power. You also get less interference from other appliances and overall best clarity on your phone. DECT 6.0 is greatly priced and resourceful, with superior call value, but its coverage is considerably more restricted to local use in closeness to cordless base station.

RF Measurements for Cellular Phones and Wireless Data Systems by Allen W. Scott and Rex Frobenius
