Types of High-Paid Construction Jobs for Military Veterans

Military veterans are members of the best-trained workforce. They possess skills and knowledge that could land them high-paid careers after leaving the military service. Working in job placement and recruiting services, I’ve coached many military veterans in how to find the best paying jobs for their particular skill set. Apart from the excellent abilities they possess, veterans have the level of discipline and experience that most corporations and government entities look for. In helping veterans look for employment, I typically look to many different fields such as administrative, law enforcement, information technology, health care, federal civil service, defense contracting and business.

Why Choose Construction Work?
Construction is also an area where job opportunities flow for veterans. Military bases, embassies and other related establishments recruit military veterans to work as builders, carpenters and engineers. The job entails building houses or work facilities on site. In my experience, these types of construction jobs for military veterans are most appropriate for those with civil engineering background. They’re extremely ideal for ex military personnel, who have gone through carpentry related assignments.

Advancement to Managerial Jobs
Construction managerial jobs definitely catches the attention of former soldiers vying for highly-rated careers, in my experience. The fact that a construction manager is one of the top paid positions according to the CNN Money, many recruiters, like myself, will keep eyes on companies seeking qualified applicants to fill in such a position. This particular occupation is not only striking due to its huge salary offer, but also because of its security or stability. The ease of transition is another factor that makes it extremely attractive to military veterans.

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Reduced Risk for Lay-Off
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median salary of construction managers has reached $102,800 as of 2010. A 17% job growth is expected as we head toward 2018. Candidates with a bachelor’s degree and, four to seven years of working experience, are most preferred by recruiters like me and by job placement service specialists. The key responsibility of a construction manager is to watch over all stages of construction projects and make sure everything gets accomplished on time and within the expected budget.

Retired soldiers who have supervised military constructions projects as field managers will most likely find themselves working as construction managers or handling any types of construction jobs for military veterans in the civilian world. Their past encounters allowed them to create a strong foundation for those kinds of professions. They already have the complete package, which construction companies are after for. In my experience, as a job recruiter and employment specialist, I find these types of construction jobs to be the highest paying, and most available, for veterans and their families.


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