Types of Chronic Pain Disorders

Chronic pain affects approximately fifty percent of the population. Chronic pain has been around since the beginning of time. Ancient civilizations recorded accounts of chronic pain on stone tablets. While early accounts associate pain with evil and magic, the relief for chronic pain was gained via the use of shamans, priests, priestesses and sorcerers.

According to the 2002 US Census Bureau, ninety six percent of all illnesses are invisible. People suffering from these illnesses look just like anyone else. There is no way to outwardly tell that these persons are suffering from any medical condition whatsoever.

There is a great variety of chronic pain illnesses. Chronic pain is an umbrella term for these invisible illnesses.


A rare condition in which one of the three membranes of the brain becomes inflamed due to trauma or injury. Can cause progressive permanent disabling pain to the victim.


There are many forms of this disease. Some are hereditary, others are injury related. All are painful. The victim may appear to be fine yet underneath it all is in excruciating pain and must find ways to deal with said pain.


Many cancers are painful. Tumors can press against vital organs causing excruciating pain. Not all cancer treatments will cause a person to go bald so not all cancer is obvious to the casual eye. These victims often suffer in silence.

Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome

Also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) affects the nerves causing them to malfunction. This can lead to other medical concerns such as bone changes, skin changes and the lack of motor function. No exact cause of this condition has yet been identified. This condition has been diagnosed as early as Civil War times.

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Noted by its increased sensitivity to pain, fibromyalgia can affect all ages, and both genders. Some of the symptoms may include headache, insomnia, weight gain, stiffness, fatigue, pelvic pain, anxiety and more. Difficult to diagnose due to it’s myriad of symptoms that can be considered other ailments.


This autoimmune disease can affect any part of the body (joints, skin, vital organs etc.). This chronic disease affects mostly women ages 15 to 44 although children and men have been known to contract this disease. It’s not contagious and cannot be spread via sexual contact. Being autoimmune this disease attacks healthy tissue and attempts to eliminate it just like it would a flu virus.


Whether it’s a migraine headache, cluster headache, sinus or tension headache, there’s pain that can sometimes include visual disturbances, nausea and vomiting. Hormone levels, basic daily stress and environmental factors can all be a part of the cause of headaches.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Also known as Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) affects the nerves causing them to malfunction. This can lead to other medical concerns such as bone changes, skin changes and the lack of motor function. No exact cause of this condition has yet been identified. This condition has been diagnosed as early as Civil War times.


Caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve this pain can radiate throughout the main nerves of the spinal cord and down the legs. Sciatica can be caused by poor circulation, being overweight, injury, poor posture as well as herniated discs in ones back.

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Chronic pain can also be caused from traumatic injury such as a fall, a car wreck. sports injuries and surgical procedures as well as vascular disease or injury.





Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
