Two Dollar Cloth Scooter Saddlebags

You can buy gas for days with the money you save if you’re thinking about buying saddle bags for your moped or scooter. Even if you purchase the cheapest ones made you’ll have to spend 20 bucks or so. Whether you have an old-fashioned moped, or a brand new scooter, you still need a way to carry things. And even with a new scooter, that little trunk they give you won’t hold, say, a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread. You need something that can carry more while not being too bulky. Something really cheap would be great, too, wouldn’t it? No matter who you are you can easily make a unique set of saddlebags that take just minutes to create, will hold a lot of stuff, and will cost just a couple of bucks to make.

Cloth shopping bags are all the rage because they cut way down on the amount of plastic bags that end up in the landfill. You can purchase the bags at most any store – from a dollar-theme store, to a grocery store. At most places, the bags are a mere dollar a piece and they’re quite roomy. Purchase two of them and you can quickly make a set of saddlebags for your moped or scooter.

Lay one of the cloth shopping bags in front of you so that the bottom of the bag faces you. With the handles of that bag facing away from you, lay the second bag so that its handles lie upon the first set of handles, and so that the bottom of the second bag is across from you.

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You’ll need to connect the two bags and, to do that, start by cutting the front handle off of the bag nearest to you, as well as the bag opposite you. With only the back handles remaining on the two bags, cut the left end of the handle off of the bag facing you, and cut the right end of the handle off of the other bag. Then, pin the bottom bag handle to the top bag, and the top bag handle to the front bag. So, you should end up with the two bags being connected by two handles, both of which go between the two bags.

To keep the fronts of the two bags closed while riding, use Velcro. You can stitch it on but, since there will be little to no weight put on the tops of the bags, you could also get by with peel-n-stick Velcro. Put one long strip – as well as its opposing piece – across the entire width of each bag, near the top.

Roomy, cloth shopping bags are perfect for making saddlebags but just make sure they don’t hang too close to the muffler; they could catch fire. If the bags are too long simply shorten the handles between the two saddlebags.
