Tween Fashion Trends: Back to School

Tweens today are more grown up than ever…just ask them. My own eleven year old son recently said to me, “Duh, Mom! There’s no way I’m wearing Payless shoes! What will my friends think; we live in the poor house?” While some moms would disagree, helping your kid to stay up to date with current fashion trends can help to raise their self esteem-or at the very least, give the other kids one less thing to find wrong with them. In that spirit, I offer the following back-to-school fashion tips for tweens. Moms and Dads, here’s a chance to show your tween that maybe you do know a thing or two about fashion.

Trendy, Not Trashy

It may be tempting to buy that cute belly shirt or the super low rise skinny jeans, but think twice before succumbing to advertising pressure on that one. Many tween girls today are more developed than their mothers were at their age, and as such, may be mistaken for much older women. So while it’s important to keep your tweens up to date fashion wise, it can and should be done with a degree of discretion. Not only will it help to keep your daughter safer, but it also sends a positive message to the world about who she is. Remember that not only will other kids judge her, but so will adults.

Think Like Miley

Miley Cyrus, AKA Hannah Montana, has inspired the tween fashion set this year. Ms. Cyrus likes the sparkly shiny look, like sequined tops and flashy scarves. Tween girls are likely to need a few pairs of up to the minute jeans, and a few sweaters to layer with the sequins. For the girls, the sweater helps bring the sequins to daytime. And for mom? Showing less skin is always a good way to make her happy.

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Denim is Back

Not only jeans, but denim skirts, tops, and jackets. Many tween designers are featuring a denim mini, but be sure to observe school dress code rules (usually very specific about skirt length), and make sure you’re comfortable with the amount of skin your tween shows.

Look to Avril Lavigne

Tween fashion this year gives a nod to rocker Avril Lavigne with the “rocker prep” look. Concert and rocker style t-shirts, dark jeans, and plaid skirts are some of the staples of this look, and don’t forget the sport socks. Parent plus: another look that keeps the skin to a minimum.

Poppin’ Prints

Animal prints are back with a roar. Tween girls may look for a leopard print piece, like a top or a hat, but don’t let her go crazy with the prints. More than one piece in the look is overkill this year.

Shiny (and Colorful) Shoes

This year, tweens will need a couple of pairs of brightly colored dressy shoes-maybe patent leather. They’re being touted as the new neutral, because you can wear them with almost everything. Bright blue or red could be worn with other neutral colors or jeans, and make a fabulous statement. Word of warning here: make sure the shoes are physically comfortable before buying them. Ill fitted shoes can do permanent damage to your tween’s developing feet.

Fabulous Fringe

Fringe is taking over this year. Tweens will be wearing fringe jackets, tops, and even carrying bags featuring fringe. Much of this year’s style is reminiscent of Madonna’s style in the eighties, and fringe is no exception.

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Nail the Nails

If your tween polishes her nails, pick up some warm colors this season. Rich ruby reds and soothing mocha browns are all the rage in tween manicures and pedicures this year.

Positively Purple

Purple seems to be the color of the year for tweens. Both boys and girls will be adding shots of purple to their wardrobes this year. Think accent pieces too-scarves and hats to bright purple shoes.

Opulent Outerwear

Jackets this year are taking a turn toward tasteful. While some will be wearing a jacket similar to a dress military style complete with brass buttons, others will be stepping out in coattails with intricately designed metallic buttons. Tweens will be on the lookout for a structured, gently fitted style that will make you proud to take them in public.

Bottom Line

Ultimately, while staying with trends can help your tween to be more socially accepted, helping him or her claim individuality in a safe and appropriate way is the goal. Kids of all ages need the security of limits set by their parents. Being aware of fashion trends this year and making informed choices about what to buy for back-to-school wear is one way you can help your tween gain a bit of self confidence while still setting limits.
