Tuscan Kitchen Island (On a Budget) Paint Technique

Looking for a Tuscan paint technique you can use on your existing Kitchen Island? The latest trend in kitchens is to have a kitchen island that stands out from your kitchen cabinets. It should look like a piece of furniture.

Try this project out to remodel and update existing Kitchen Island on a budget with a Tuscan décor.

Creating a Tuscan themed project is an inexpensive way to update your Kitchen Island with the look of expensive Tuscan home décor as well as establish a warm decor in your Tuscan kitchen.

This faux Tuscan Kitchen Island project is easy to complete and will add a distinctly Tuscan flare to the Kitchen Island in your warm and inviting kitchen. The entire faux Tuscan Paint technique project can be completed for under $40 depending on the size of your Kitchen Island. This is a great way to update your outdated Kitchen Island on a budget in one weekend.

Tuscan inspired colors are warm earth tones. They include colors like terra cotta, warm mustard yellows, earthy warm browns, glowing oranges with a hint of brown, and warm grays. Keep these in mind when you are choosing the paints for your Tuscan Kitchen Island.

You will need:


Sand paper
Bathroom Vanity
Blue tape in ¼” width (2 roles for a large kitchen)
Egg Shell Or Semi Gloss Paint (3 Colors, One base color, 2 earthy warm tile colors)
3″bristle brushes (3)
Roller brush
4 Paint trays
Glaze Medium
Scissors or exacto knife
Kitchen Island

In a high-end kitchens with authentic Tuscan Kitchen Island you would normally see warm and rich colors.

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So, lightly sand your Kitchen Island. This should be the side of the kitchen island, not the counter top. Wipe away any debris and apply on or two coats of primer.

Let this primer dry.

I like to start this project by painting all of the Kitchen Island receiving the faux Tuscan paint treatment in a warm Tuscan inspired color that will be the base color. There is no white left in this project, so this is a good way to prevent any white area from seeping through your Tuscan Kitchen Island paint job.

A nice warm gray color is perfect for the base. A color like Realist Beige from Sherwin Williams would work well for this project. Once this has dried you are ready to start taping off any areas that will not be painted.

If you are completing this DIY Faux tile treatment over the weekend try to paint your base color on Friday night. Completing this one step will allow you to start working on the detailed part of the Tuscan Kitchen Island first thing in the morning.

Now that your Tuscan Kitchen Island is taped off you can start painting. For this project it would be best to create a few different looks for your Kitchen Island based on your two paints.

Have one Kitchen Island paint color be closer to paint color #1, the second Kitchen Island paint color be close to paint #2, and create a third unique paint color by mixing an equal combination of the two paints.

Mix your Tuscan colors in their own paint trays and add some glaze. The glaze medium will keep your Tuscan inspired paint wet for a longer period of time. Go ahead and mix these colors in their own paint trays.

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When you are applying your paint on the Kitchen Island do not over work it. You want some variation in the paint. The Kitchen Island should not be a flat or solid color.

Once you have the base coat of your faux Tuscan Kitchen Island treatment painted you can added some extra detail and interest with a little splattered paint. Take a clean brush and lightly dip it in one of you original two paint colors. Lightly splatter it on the Kitchen Island where you have been working.

Very lightly. You could also lightly stipple the wall with a very dry brush with very little paint on it. This will create that dimpled uneven effect. Just remember, you can always add more, so work in small amounts.

Let your Kitchen Island dry and carefully remove the painter’s tape. Allow your faux Tuscan paint treatment to dry for at least twenty-four hours.

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