Try These Treatments for Nerve Pain Relief

There are a number of things that can cause nerve pain but the most common are usually the result of disease, injury, or surgery. It is not uncommon for nerve damage to occur in people who have diabetes because of decreased blood flow. Nerves are often cut during surgery and injury can be sustained in any type of accident. The result of any type of nerve damage is severe pain which usually requires special treatment to provide nerve pain relief. Narcotics, which are often used to relieve any kind of pain, often fails to provide the necessary comfort the patient needs to live a quality life. One of the most known options for nerve pain relief is a nerve block. This procedure blocks the pain signals that are sent to the brain. This is often done by injecting the area around the damaged nerve with high potency pain relievers. When other more conventional methods fail, nerve blocks can often be successful in providing nerve pain relief for people who suffer from chronic pain.

Many people after receiving just one nerve block experience pain relief up to twelve months. Unfortunately, there are other people who may have to receive more than one nerve block before they get satisfactory results. However, there are certain risks associated with nerve blocks. In very rare cases it has been noted that nerve blocks can cause paralysis or spinal cord damage can. Some patients during the procedure have also experienced dangerously low levels of blood pressure. It is important that you be closely monitored by a qualified physician so that any adverse reactions can be handled immediately.

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Medical experts are now using a treatment for nerve pain relief that can be found in anti-seizure drugs. Professionals cannot explain exactly why this works but many individuals have achieved nerve pain relief with the use of these drugs. These drugs are known for helping control epileptic seizures but they also seem to block signals which nerves send to the brain. As with most drugs these also come with the possibility of side effects so it is important to discuss this with your doctor.

You May Seek Surgery as an Option

For some people surgery may be the only answer in the quest for nerve pain relief. In fact surgery may be the only option for those who experience severe pain in their joints. Surgery often involves nerve decompression which allows restored sensation. When nerves become compressed they do not get a sufficient amount of oxygen and the result is the individual experiences severe pain. Medical experts at one time thought this to be a chronic condition with no available treatment options. However, with new medical advances it has proven that surgery can restore sensation to the damaged area, as well as relieve the pain.

Diabetes is one medical condition that can cause a lack of sufficient blood flow to extremities such as hands and feet. This insufficient blood flow can cause nerve damage if left untreated. If you aware of the situation and seek treatment immediately when these symptoms occur, you have a better chance of achieving nerve pain relief. Unfortunately, once the damage becomes severe your chances of getting relief decrease, so it is very important that you discuss your symptoms with your physician.