True Colors – Another Great Party Game for Small Groups

So far I have reviewed Malarky and The Poll Game as possible Christmas presents for the game lover on your Christmas list. These games are all for 4-8 of your friends and True Colors works for a similar size group. This game is for 4-6 of your friends to play. This is a game where you will find out what your friends truly think about you and see if you can guess ahead of time what they think.

In this game everyone is assigned a color. Then the are given 2 colored “voting pieces” for the other players in the game. Finally everyone gets cards that indicate if they think they will receive none of the votes, less than 1/2 the votes, half or more of the votes, or all the votes. There is also a “voting box” where you submit your votes for each round.

On each round one person will read the question card out loud. One of the typical questions is “who would you say in your group would be most likely to streak on a dare”. After hearing the question everyone picks out two colored cards to vote with. If you really think one of the players is way more likely to do what the card said than any of the other players, you could vote with 2 cards of their color, or if you think there are two people equally as likely you could use one card for each of their colors, you only get to put two cards in the voting box though. After all the votes are submitted you look at your cards you use to predict how many votes you think you will get. You can vote that you will get all the votes, none of the votes, less than 1/2 (but not 0) of the votes, or 1/2 or more of the votes (but not all). After everyone plays their card face down, everyone flips their voting card over. Then the person who read the question counts the votes. Each person then will know if they got all the votes, none of them, less than 1/2 or 1/2 or more of the votes. If you are correct, depending on how you voted you get points.

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This is how we score the points, but you can adjust the scoring system however you wish. If you guess all or none of the votes and are correct you get three points. If you guess less than 1/2 the votes and are correct you get 2 points. If you guess 1/2 or more and are correct you get 1 point. If you are incorrect you get 0 points. You can play the game to a predetermined total. My suggestion with this scoring is 15-20 points depending on the time you have.

This game will sometimes get interesting arguments like “who in the world voted for me for that one?” or “how in the world could you all not give me all the votes on that”, the game is not too serious and is fun and rather fast paced.

I hope you enjoy this review and will consider True Colors for the game lover on your list for Christmas. Tomorrow I will change up a little and review some card games for those on your Christmas list that like them.