Trouble Sleeping? 12 Tips to Help Insomnia and Get a Normal Sleep Routine Again

You are tired but you have difficulty sleeping. It is starting to become a pattern and now you are thinking maybe you have insomnia. If you are having trouble getting a full night’s sleep, then it’s time to evaluate what may be at the root of your problem. These 12 tips will help you on the road to getting back to your normal sleep routine.

1. Instead of tossing and turning with your mind thinking and thinking or possibly worrying about something, get up for a little while and do some thing productive around your house or apartment. Clean the kitchen counters, dust a book shelf, do something small and try going back to bed again.

2. Try drinking a cup of caffeine free herbal tea. Many herbal teas are not only relaxing, they have numerous health benefits including detoxification.

3. Only try sleeping when you are actually tired. If you feel you only need a nap, then try operating on periodic naps when you are able to, if you cannot get a full time sleep. Your body will tell you when you are tired and you know when you need to sleep.

4. Have a boring book or watch a boring T.V. show. Your lack of interest may promote sleep and help solve you insomnia.

5. Analyze if your room is dark enough. Do you have adequate shades or blinds or window coverings? Is there a street light shining into your window? Consider getting light blocking window coverings or using a sleep mask to cover your eyes to promote the proper darkness.

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6. Determine whether you are sensitive to noise. When you are insomniac it may be that loud noises from the street or neighbors are interfering with your ability to sleep. Or, perhaps you are so sensitive to sound that even the sound of the ticking clock keeps you restless. In either case, consider using soft earplugs, or investing in a sound machine that plays relaxing background noises such as crashing waves or nature sounds, or the sound of rain falling. Many people who travel and suffer insomnia bring portable sleep aids such as soothing sound machines.

7. Some people solve their insomnia by using self hypnosis tapes. Some have subliminal messages for relaxation and some have a comforting and hypnotic voice to guide you in instruction to relaxation. Find your own relaxation techniques that work for you. It may be some time devoted to meditation and clearing your mind, or perhaps playing your favorite relaxing and restful music, low in the background of the bedroom.

8. Essential oils, often used for aromatherapy, promote good breathing and for some people having the proper breathing environment promotes good sleep. Pure essential oils with the proper diffuser, do not require heat or electricity of any kind and the oil just naturally evaporates into the air. For some people, an air purifier is the ticket to solving their insomnia by promoting better breathing.

9. Incorporate more water and fresh juice in your diet. A healthier diet where you are well hydrated only helps the ability to sleep.

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10. Analyze your room temperature. If your sleeping room is too hot or too cold, figure out how you can regulate the temperature of that one room. It may be as simple as adjusting your thermostat, or it may require a fan, even if for just additional air circulation. Remember you can always close vents in specific rooms if you want your sleeping room to be hotter or colder without having to change the temperature in the rest of your apartment or house. This will also conserve money on your energy bill.

11. Studies have shown that the more physically active a person is, the more readily they fall asleep. So, if you sit at your computer all day long or lead a sedentary lifestyle, make a point to incorporate more exercise or physical activity to help solve your insomnia.

12. Drinking warm milk is not just an old wife’s tale to help you fall asleep. The science behind warm milk is that it contains a natural sedative that promotes sleep.

If the above tips don’t help solve your insomnia after a few days, then you need to determine if you are suffering depression or any physical condition that could be interfering with your normal sleep. Consult a physician. Do not rely on over the counter medicines and do not lose sleep over physical pain. Always consult a professional to eliminate the cause of the insomnia or help with the effects. Good luck and I hope you will be resting soundly soon!
